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Arm Me Against Uni(n)Formation

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Logo des Telegrammkanals innfacted - Arm Me Against Uni(n)Formation
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Sprache: Deutsch
Abonnenten: 567
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Die neuesten Nachrichten 8

2022-07-27 13:16:06
Im Durchschnitt waren Frauen bei einer Totgeburt 32,2 Jahre alt. Ihr Alter lag damit um knapp fünf Monate höher als das durchschnittliche Alter bei einer Lebendgeburt. „Allein das zunehmende Alter der Frauen bei Geburt kann allerdings nicht die Ursache des Anstiegs der Totgeburten sein, da die Totgeborenenquote in allen Altersgruppen in den vergangenen zehn Jahren tendenziell gestiegen ist“, schreiben die Statistiker.
34 views10:16
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2022-07-27 13:04:12 An improved neural interface also might allow soldiers and AI systems to better work as a team. “Let’s say you’re working with an AI system that is a decision aid, which is sorting through large amounts of data. … You’re seeing too much data. You’re trying to process too much data. If it knows your cognitive state, that you may be getting overloaded, maybe it changes how much data it’s giving you,” Emondi says. He adds that if a soldier’s eyes are overwhelmed with data, the system could begin using haptic signals, or the sense of touch, to alert the user to some types of data.
The program is divided into concurrently running technical areas known as TA-1 and TA-2. “One of them is completely noninvasive. Nothing goes in the body other than ultrasonic fields or magnetic fields or electronic fields or light. We’re basically playing around with those four modalities in different ways … to figure out how best we could interoperate with the neural tissue,” Emondi says. The TA-2 effort will allow technology, such as a transducer, to be attached to the brain but only through nonsurgical techniques. “That could be through injection or it might be through ingestion, or it could be intranasal, could be transdermal, pretty much any way you can think of … without having to do surgery,” the program manager elaborates.
Once the technology is inside the brain, researchers must have a way of moving it to the proper location and of interacting with it. That also could include magnetic, electric, acoustic or light signals aimed at that neural transducer, which interacts with the neuron. The program includes three phases. The first is 12 months long. During that time, the six teams—led by Battelle; Carnegie Mellon University; Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC); Rice University and Teledyne—must prove they can interact with neural tissue and provide metrics.
29 views10:04
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2022-07-26 23:05:48
CIA Director backing down from “Havana Syndrome” lie
#DEW #DirectedEnergyWeapons

70 viewsedited  20:05
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2022-07-26 22:50:27
39 views19:50
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2022-07-26 22:18:49
Silicon dioxide nanoparticles, also known as silica nanoparticles or nano-silica, are the basis for a great deal of biomedical research due to their stability, low toxicity and ability to be functionalized with a range of molecules and polymers.
36 views19:18
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2022-07-26 21:33:45 A member of the House Intelligence Committee warned Americans to stay away from DNA testing services as the information could be used to develop bioweapons targeting specific groups of Americans or even individuals.

Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo., made the comments during an appearance at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado on Friday, saying many Americans are far too willing to give up their DNA information to private companies.
75 views18:33
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2022-07-26 21:27:36 Forscher haben herausgefunden, dass einige Käfer den größten Teil ihrer Muskeln während des Winters abbauen und diese bis zum Frühjahr wieder aufbauen können, ohne sich zu bewegen, um flugbereit zu sein.

Der Colorado-Kartoffelkäfer (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) kann in Kanada bis zu vier Monate unter dem Schnee begraben überleben, wenn die Temperaturen auf -20 °C sinken. Während des Winterschlafs verlangsamt er seinen Stoffwechsel um bis zu 90 Prozent, um Energie zu sparen, aber wie er das macht, war bisher kaum bekannt.
35 views18:27
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2022-07-25 00:25:59
47 views21:25
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2022-07-24 18:43:49 A new study suggests that indeed, ants as a group behave similar to networks of neurons in a brain.
Rockefeller's Daniel Kronauer and postdoctoral associate Asaf Gal developed a new experimental setup to meticulously analyze decision-making in ant colonies. As reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they found that when a colony evacuates due to rising temperatures, its decision is a function of both the magnitude of the heat increase and the size of the ant group.
The findings suggest that ants combine sensory information with the parameters of their group to arrive at a group response—a process similar to neural computations giving rise to decisions.
"We pioneered an approach to understand the ant colony as a cognitive-like system that perceives inputs and then translates them into behavioral outputs," says Kronauer, head of the Laboratory of Social Evolution and Behavior. "This is one of the first steps toward really understanding how insect societies engage in collective computation."
29 views15:43
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2022-07-24 18:29:58
41 views15:29
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