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Logo des Telegrammkanals kaipauling - Kai-Pauling-Infokanal✔️
Adresse des Kanals: @kaipauling
Kategorien: Uncategorized
Sprache: Deutsch
Abonnenten: 474
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Kai-Pauling-Infokanal✔️ War der offizielle #DrKaiPauling alias #infoKAI Kanal. Der neue öffentliche Kanal heißt "infoKAI✔️ Dr. Kai Pauling" 👉📌
🙏🏻 #Staytrue
📅 Nothing becomes impossible!🙏🏻
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2022-04-20 20:17:59 Bitte hier kommentieren
Achtung Kanalwechsel
Dies ist auf diesem Kanal nun wirklich mein letzter Post. Wer mir weiterhin folgen möchte, der kann zum neuen #infoKAI Telegram Kanal wechseln und für die kommenden Podcasts ebenfalls die Kanäle auf den anderen Plattformen abonnieren und teilen.



@DrKaiPauling (aka infoKAI)

infoKAI Dr. Kai Pauling
Nothing becomes impossible!
#infoKAI, #KaiPauling, #DoIT
147 views17:17
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2022-04-20 20:17:11 Covid Snake Venom Bioweapon (Update 2 of 2)
Already more than 30 years ago ( October 1988 ), warnings were given about the combination of "flu viruses" and snake venom in bioweapons laboratories!

At that time there were 128 bioweapons laboratories in the USA. In a newspaper report from the "taz" (a German newspaper that supposedly supports left-wing fascism and antifa terrorism) wrote in an article titled "Also biological weapons in the Middle East, US hints at Iraq, Syria, Israel and Egypt":

"CIA chief Webster had already stated last October that at least ten countries were currently producing biological weapons. The warning, however, did not refer to the U.S., where new biological weapons are currently being created in 128 biotechnology laboratories on behalf of the Pentagon. These are living organisms such as bacteria, viruses, toxins and even hormones or substances derived from them that can be used for military purposes. Their effects range from mere nuisance to temporary incapacitation to the destruction of human, animal and plant life."

By recombining DNA, pathogenic organisms can be produced in the laboratory that have never existed in nature. For example, a flu virus with a built-in cobra gene programmed to produce snake venom could be imagined. The body infected with such a super pathogen would begin to defend itself against the flu. In the process, it would produce cobra venom, eventually poisoning its own central nervous system. With the production of these new weapons, antidotes can now be produced at the same time to protect one's own troops and civilians."
Source: and!1825118

This makes three things clear:
1. Already more than 30 years ago there were ideas for bioweapons with snake venom.
2. Already at that time the USA tried to blame other countries.
3. There is an antidote.

1. The corona plague is a bioweapons attack that was most likely developed in one of the cabal's bioweapons laboratories.
2. Vaccination is for depopulation by deliberately infecting and killing people with snake venom proteins.
3. The cabal is not afraid of an alleged corona virus, nor of a Cobra poison corona vaccine, because they have an antidote for themselves.

1. The snake venom bioweapon has been given an additional killing function for certain populations or "races".
2. A country whose "race" is to be wiped out must take special measures to find the source or spreading origin of the venom and prevent more people from coming into contact with this source.
3. In addition to global depopulation, China in particular is to be decimated in order to prevent China from becoming stronger than the Cabal puppet USA and the largest world power after WWIII.

#Staytrue #SnakeVenom
@DrKaiPauling (aka #infoKAI)

Don't look up
#WWIII #Deagel2025

infoKAI Dr. Kai Pauling
Nothing becomes impossible!
#infoKAI, #KaiPauling, #DoIT
116 views17:17
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2022-04-19 22:17:50 Covid Snake Venom Bioweapon (Update 1 of 2)
Absolutely must watch and share!
Part 3/3 - Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals BOMBSHELL origins of covid, mRNA vaccines and treatments

Dr. Bryan Ardis is currently being attacked by many. They are mainly trying to discredit his person, among other things because he offers T-shirts and supplements on his website ( But even if his "next slide" is as annoying as my eternal "Ähh" in my podcast, his theory is the only one that has fully convinced me of all the attempts to explain Covid-19.

For example, that he refers to an episode of "The Blacklist" titled "Dr. Ardis" (Season 4, Episode 15) does not make him untrustworthy, because I myself refer to the episode titled "Benjamin T. Okara" (Season 9, Episode 5) in relation to the technique for #Remoteattack.

To all critics who think it is an absolute fairy tale that in (US) bioweapons laboratories attempts were made to combine flu viruses with snake venoms, tomorrow in the second part (Exclusively and in German only in my “infoKAI Members only” channel) I will present a proof that will silence them instantly. And this evidence is based on a very surprising earlier warning from the CIA Director.
Many thanks to Thomas S. who found this link and brought it to my attention.

To be continued in Update 2 of 2

infoKAI Dr. Kai Pauling
157 views19:17
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2022-04-15 15:41:04
MARKmobil Aktuell - In den Transporter
149 views12:41
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2022-04-13 21:36:54 Covid Snake Venom Bioweapon (Post 2 of 2)
This closes the gap, between the results of Dr. Stefan Lanka, #ThereIsNoVirus, and the pathological #Plandemic appearances of the victims of the #Covazis and #Jabistas.

Damit ist die Lücke geschlossen, zwischen den Ergebnissen von Dr. Stefan Lanka, #EsGibtKeinVirus, und den pathologischen #Plandemie Erscheinungen der Opfern der #Covazis und #Jabistas.

Absolutely watch and share!
Part 2/3 - Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals BOMBSHELL origins of covid, mRNA vaccines and treatments

#Staytrue #WakeUp
@DrKaiPauling (aka #infoKAI)

infoKAI Dr. Kai Pauling
Nothing becomes impossible!
#infoKAI, #KaiPauling, #DoIT
224 views18:36
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2022-04-13 21:36:44 Covid Snake Venom Bioweapon (Post 1 of 2)
Dr. Bryan Ardis has found proof that Covid-19 is not a virus but a bioweapon based on a spike protein of a snake venom.

Dr. Bryan Ardis hat den Beweis dafür gefunden, dass Covid-19 kein Virus sondern eine Biowaffe auf Basis eines Spike Protein aus Schlangengiftes ist.

Absolutely watch and share!
Part 1/3 - Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals BOMBSHELL origins of covid, mRNA vaccines and treatments

To be continued in post 2 of 2

infoKAI Dr. Kai Pauling
200 views18:36
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2022-03-23 23:56:17 Emergency warning! Rainer Füllmich
Tens of thousands of euros are said to have been received for a #LawsuitForCoronaDamages that has not been realized to date, and the actions of #RainerFuellmich were described as being on the "verge of fraud" by #ConsumerProtectionist Heinz Gerlach as early as 1992.

He is accused of connections to #Scientology and US- Agencies and for many, e.g. #DrSimon (@goddek), he is part of the #ControlledOpposition.

The political scientist and journalist #AyaVelázquez (@ayawasgeht) accuses him of not having adequately illuminated the highly explosive #ActionPaper of the #BMI (not to be confused with the well-known #StrategyPaper of the BMI), which was brought to her attention by a #Whistleblower from the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI), in the #CoronaInvestigativeCommitteeor, according to my interpretation, possibly deliberately wanted to let it drop under the table. Interview by #BorisReitschuster with #AyaVelázquez on the #QuarantineCamps for those tested positive:

In my sense, the really explosive truths, such as the #VirusLie proven by #DrStefanLanka, were wiped away in his #CoronaInvestigationCommittee with the same methods as the #Covazis and #Jabistas slander, discredit and suppress those who speak the truth about the #Plandemic, #LethalVaccineJab and the #DepopulationAgenda.

That the self-proclaimed "Grand Jury" of the made-up "Court of Public Opinion" propagated by #Fuellmich, for which according to § 55 para. 2 RStV #VivianeFischer is responsible, appears as an absolute #BluePill and another #SCAM of #Coviteers, is certainly not only my opinion.

But based on which confidential information from the inner circle I personally consider him a #Liar and absolutely untrustworthy and dangerous active #PsyWarAgent for the #Cabal, I will answer on 25.03.2022 at 19:30 in an #EmergencyWarning in my "infoKAI Members only" channel (in German language).

#Staytrue #WakeUp
@DrKaiPauling (aka #infoKAI)

Don't look up
#WWIII #Deagel2025

infoKAI Dr. Kai Pauling
Nothing becomes impossible!
#infoKAI, #KaiPauling, #DoIT
307 views20:56
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2022-03-18 15:13:50 Wichtiger Kanalhinweis
Für alle die mehr Infos und meine Beiträge in deutscher Sprache wünschen. Es gibt neben dem neuen @infoKAI noch einen weiteren neuen Telegram Kanal von mir.

In diesem nicht öffentlichen Kanal gibt es, u.a.:

alle Inhalte für den infoKAI-Kanal bereits vorab,
alle Beiträge dauerhaft, während sie im öffentlichen Kanal künftig nach 1-3 Tagen wieder gelöscht werden,
jeden Post ebenfalls direkt in meiner autorisierten Übersetzung,
weitere Post, Podcast und Videos, die ich aus nachvollziehbaren Gründen nicht öffentlich teilen kann,
sämtliche archivierten Post aus dem alten Kai-Pauling-Infokanal

Was gibt es in allen meinen Kanälen und Gruppen definitiv nicht:
Inhalte die gegen die von mir formulierte Präambel verstoßen und
“rechtswidrige“/“strafbare“, betrügerische oder unmoralische Inhalte.

Zugang zu diesem Kanal gibt es:
1. nur auf persönlicher Einladung,
2. nur für Personen die mir namentlich bekannt sind und
3. nur für Personen die wirklich an meinen Inhalten interessiert sind.

Alle die mich bereits per PayPal oder Überweisung unterstützt haben und in den neuen „infoKAI Members only“ Kanal kommen möchten, bitte ich mir eine kurze PM mit deren Namen zu schicken, und ich werde Euch direkt in den Kanal hinzufügen.

Hinweis: Den Zugang zum „infoKAI Members only“ Kanal kann man sich weder erkaufen, noch verpflichtet der Beitritt zu irgendeinem Abo. Ich behalte mir lediglich das Recht vor, nur diejenigen Einzuladen und hereinzulassen, die ich in meinem „Haus“ als „Gäste“ haben möchte. Andersherum entstehen dadurch aber keinerlei Rechte für die „Kanalgäste“ mir gegenüber, d.h. dass ich verpflichtet wäre die „Gäste“ nach deren Wünschen zu „bedienen“.

Unterstützung für #infoKAI
Wer mich künftig via PayPal oder per Überweisung unterstützt und in den „infoKAI Members only“ möchte, der sollte bitte ebenfalls seinen Telegram-Benutzernamen mit in den Verwendungstext angeben oder mir nach der Überweisung eine PM mit dem Beitrittswunsch schicken.

PayPal Für PayPal nutzen Sie den Link und die Option "Geld an Freunde senden" und schreiben bitte in das Kommentarfeld "Geschenk für Dr. Kai Pauling + optional von Telegram-Benutzername" (Nur ein Geschenk ist steuerfrei ).

IBAN/SWIFT Für eine Überweisung nutzen Sie bitte die Kontonummer und schreiben in den Verwendungszweck "Geschenk für Dr. Kai Pauling + optional von Telegram-Benutzername" (Nur ein Geschenk ist steuerfrei ).
IBAN: DE84200411330654351600, SWIFT/BIC-Code: COBADEHD001, Empfänger: Dr. Kai Pauling

Und wenn Sie kein Geld übrig haben, dann würde ich mich freuen, wenn Sie mich mit einem Like, einem Kommentar, einer E-Mail an mich oder gar einer Empfehlung meines Kanals unterstützen.

#Staytrue #EhrlichDankbar
@DrKaiPauling (aka infoKAI)

infoKAI Dr. Kai Pauling
Nothing becomes impossible!
#infoKAI, #KaiPauling, #DoIT
310 views12:13
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2022-03-18 09:49:11 Bitte hier kommentieren
Achtung Kanalwechsel
Dies ist auf diesem Kanal nun wirklich mein letzter Post. Wer mir weiterhin folgen möchte, der kann zum neuen #infoKAI Telegram Kanal wechseln und für die kommenden Podcasts ebenfalls die Kanäle auf den anderen Plattformen abonnieren und teilen.



@DrKaiPauling (aka infoKAI)

infoKAI Dr. Kai Pauling
Nothing becomes impossible!
#infoKAI, #KaiPauling, #DoIT
207 views06:49
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2022-03-18 09:47:48 ​​ Brave New World - #Remoteattack (Post 3 of 3)
I had already tried to explain why a #MarkHegenwald aka #MARKmobil was attacked as contrary to someone like #DrBodoSchiffmann aka #Boschimo.

I don't want to claim, as others have, that all alternative media or #Truther newcomers since the pandemic are paid agents of the #Cabal or #Satanists. However, I consider most of them #Oportunistic or #Narcissistic #Grifters and #Coviteers willing to spread the #PsyWar and #DisInfo of the #SatanicCabal if they can generate money, fame or power out of it for themself.

In my eyes, numerous channel owners are without a doubt psychopathologically highly dangerous sociopaths who scrupulously try to take advantage of the situation, i.e. the declining (national) economies and collapse of entire markets and their financial and value systems, the breaking social structures and instability of all moral norms formerly considered reliable, in order to recruit disciples for the establishment of their own cult. These cult leaders are undoubtedly a great danger to the souls of easily influenced people who have become irritated and have gone in search of new belief systems and social footholds. By constant #Fearmongering on the one hand and the #Hopium on the other hand, unfortunately, too many uninformed people get wrapped up and are gradually #Brainwashed. The #INTOTHELIGHT #Cartel of #StefanNiemann or the #WWG1WGA #NESARA #GESARA network around #AlexanderQuade are in my eyes two clear examples of highly dangerous #Cult formation.

While MARKmobil has already been forced to give up because of the #Remoteattacks, I'm on the verge of breaking every day from #Cybertorture as well.

26 of 71 from this channel (out of formerly over 1000 from the old channel) know that this kind of torture is real. It costs almost no money, needs no physical contact by secret agents, and can be run automatically by a computer.

For those who still have final doubts about this, should read the report of Professor #NilsMelzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, dated 20 March 2020.

In this report, not only is a definition of #Cybertorture given, but the UN Special Rapporteur, Professor Melzer, warns that the internet could be systematically used to target individuals remotely - he opines that “Cybertechnology can also be used to inflict, or contribute to, severe mental suffering while avoiding the conduit of the physical body, most notably through intimidation, harassment, surveillance, public shaming and defamation, as well as appropriation, deletion or manipulation of information.” “Already harassment in comparatively limited environments can expose targeted individuals to extremely elevated and prolonged levels of anxiety, stress, social isolation and depression, and significantly increases the risk of suicide.”
For more info:

In my born and bred hometown Hamburg, supposedly more than 93% of the people have now been vaccinated, how many of them would be more happy to see someone like me finally silenced?

Let's be honest, if you were in my shoes, would you risk your life and the health of your partners for a handful of subscribers? And if the answer is yes, would your partner support your suicide mission and agree to risk their health as well? And what would be the support for the fact that your decision destroyed all your common dreams and you would be responsible for a life below subsistence level. Would your relationship survive this?

I am looking forward to read your comments.

#Staytrue #Remoteattack
@DrKaiPauling (aka #infoKAI)

Don't look up
#WWIII #Deagel2025

infoKAI Dr. Kai Pauling
Nothing becomes impossible!
#infoKAI, #KaiPauling, #DoIT
197 views06:47
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