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Covid Snake Venom Bioweapon (Update 2 of 2) Already more th | Kai-Pauling-Infokanal✔️

Covid Snake Venom Bioweapon (Update 2 of 2)
Already more than 30 years ago ( October 1988 ), warnings were given about the combination of "flu viruses" and snake venom in bioweapons laboratories!

At that time there were 128 bioweapons laboratories in the USA. In a newspaper report from the "taz" (a German newspaper that supposedly supports left-wing fascism and antifa terrorism) wrote in an article titled "Also biological weapons in the Middle East, US hints at Iraq, Syria, Israel and Egypt":

"CIA chief Webster had already stated last October that at least ten countries were currently producing biological weapons. The warning, however, did not refer to the U.S., where new biological weapons are currently being created in 128 biotechnology laboratories on behalf of the Pentagon. These are living organisms such as bacteria, viruses, toxins and even hormones or substances derived from them that can be used for military purposes. Their effects range from mere nuisance to temporary incapacitation to the destruction of human, animal and plant life."

By recombining DNA, pathogenic organisms can be produced in the laboratory that have never existed in nature. For example, a flu virus with a built-in cobra gene programmed to produce snake venom could be imagined. The body infected with such a super pathogen would begin to defend itself against the flu. In the process, it would produce cobra venom, eventually poisoning its own central nervous system. With the production of these new weapons, antidotes can now be produced at the same time to protect one's own troops and civilians."
Source: and!1825118

This makes three things clear:
1. Already more than 30 years ago there were ideas for bioweapons with snake venom.
2. Already at that time the USA tried to blame other countries.
3. There is an antidote.

1. The corona plague is a bioweapons attack that was most likely developed in one of the cabal's bioweapons laboratories.
2. Vaccination is for depopulation by deliberately infecting and killing people with snake venom proteins.
3. The cabal is not afraid of an alleged corona virus, nor of a Cobra poison corona vaccine, because they have an antidote for themselves.

1. The snake venom bioweapon has been given an additional killing function for certain populations or "races".
2. A country whose "race" is to be wiped out must take special measures to find the source or spreading origin of the venom and prevent more people from coming into contact with this source.
3. In addition to global depopulation, China in particular is to be decimated in order to prevent China from becoming stronger than the Cabal puppet USA and the largest world power after WWIII.

#Staytrue #SnakeVenom
@DrKaiPauling (aka #infoKAI)

Don't look up
#WWIII #Deagel2025

infoKAI Dr. Kai Pauling
Nothing becomes impossible!
#infoKAI, #KaiPauling, #DoIT