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​​ Brave New World - #Remoteattack (Post 3 of 3) I had al | Kai-Pauling-Infokanal✔️

​​ Brave New World - #Remoteattack (Post 3 of 3)
I had already tried to explain why a #MarkHegenwald aka #MARKmobil was attacked as contrary to someone like #DrBodoSchiffmann aka #Boschimo.

I don't want to claim, as others have, that all alternative media or #Truther newcomers since the pandemic are paid agents of the #Cabal or #Satanists. However, I consider most of them #Oportunistic or #Narcissistic #Grifters and #Coviteers willing to spread the #PsyWar and #DisInfo of the #SatanicCabal if they can generate money, fame or power out of it for themself.

In my eyes, numerous channel owners are without a doubt psychopathologically highly dangerous sociopaths who scrupulously try to take advantage of the situation, i.e. the declining (national) economies and collapse of entire markets and their financial and value systems, the breaking social structures and instability of all moral norms formerly considered reliable, in order to recruit disciples for the establishment of their own cult. These cult leaders are undoubtedly a great danger to the souls of easily influenced people who have become irritated and have gone in search of new belief systems and social footholds. By constant #Fearmongering on the one hand and the #Hopium on the other hand, unfortunately, too many uninformed people get wrapped up and are gradually #Brainwashed. The #INTOTHELIGHT #Cartel of #StefanNiemann or the #WWG1WGA #NESARA #GESARA network around #AlexanderQuade are in my eyes two clear examples of highly dangerous #Cult formation.

While MARKmobil has already been forced to give up because of the #Remoteattacks, I'm on the verge of breaking every day from #Cybertorture as well.

26 of 71 from this channel (out of formerly over 1000 from the old channel) know that this kind of torture is real. It costs almost no money, needs no physical contact by secret agents, and can be run automatically by a computer.

For those who still have final doubts about this, should read the report of Professor #NilsMelzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, dated 20 March 2020.

In this report, not only is a definition of #Cybertorture given, but the UN Special Rapporteur, Professor Melzer, warns that the internet could be systematically used to target individuals remotely - he opines that “Cybertechnology can also be used to inflict, or contribute to, severe mental suffering while avoiding the conduit of the physical body, most notably through intimidation, harassment, surveillance, public shaming and defamation, as well as appropriation, deletion or manipulation of information.” “Already harassment in comparatively limited environments can expose targeted individuals to extremely elevated and prolonged levels of anxiety, stress, social isolation and depression, and significantly increases the risk of suicide.”
For more info:

In my born and bred hometown Hamburg, supposedly more than 93% of the people have now been vaccinated, how many of them would be more happy to see someone like me finally silenced?

Let's be honest, if you were in my shoes, would you risk your life and the health of your partners for a handful of subscribers? And if the answer is yes, would your partner support your suicide mission and agree to risk their health as well? And what would be the support for the fact that your decision destroyed all your common dreams and you would be responsible for a life below subsistence level. Would your relationship survive this?

I am looking forward to read your comments.

#Staytrue #Remoteattack
@DrKaiPauling (aka #infoKAI)

Don't look up
#WWIII #Deagel2025

infoKAI Dr. Kai Pauling
Nothing becomes impossible!
#infoKAI, #KaiPauling, #DoIT