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Die neuesten Nachrichten 6

2022-05-25 19:02:32 together in love and rage | congress for the anarcha queerfeminist revolt
438 views16:02
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2022-05-25 19:02:16 TOGETHER IN LOVE AND RAGE
Congress for the anarcha-queerfeminist revolt!
26 – 29 May 2022

Dear accomplices

After the attempt to organize the congress „Militant Feminism“ 2 years ago and after grueling months of pandemic, we want to come together again and work out militant perspectives. For this we invite you to Berlin from 26.05.22- 29.05.22.

Self-organization of queers and FLINTAs has potential for self-empowerment and revolutionary perspectives. Militant anti-patriachal groups are becoming more visible and react with counter-violence to the oppression of capitalist patriarchy and colonial exploitation. At the same time, anti-feminist and authoritarian forces are forming to stop passions for a liberated society e.g. through conservative backlash, the tightening of abortion laws in Poland – amongst other places, the increasing numbers of domestic and sexual violence during the pandemic, feminicides worldwide, and perpetrators within „emancipatory“ structures….

But feminist struggles and movements are resisting: Kurdish women are fighting in Rojava, autonomous FLINTA groups are attacking, in Mexico City feminists are attacking police stations, in worldwide movements queer and trans voices are becoming loud and visible – to name just a few examples. These movements offer opportunities to imagine societies differently! We don’t want to hide differences between us, but  instead to build bridges and draw potential from different perspectives and experiences. Attacking the external enemy also means attacking structures within us. Be it white dominance, able-ist structures, sex/cisms or classism…. In the historical consciousness of revolutionary struggles we want to learn from movements of emancipation, from their strengths and their conflicts.  In order to be better accomplices, to overcome mechanisms of oppression and to work in the long term on a militant personality in which we break again and again with the capitalist and colonial patriarchy that is embedded within us. Let’s build internationalist, solidarity perspectives and networks. Let’s become dangerous together.
The congress should be an open space to try out and discuss. We want to work together practically and substantively to develop our positions. Questions we want to work on together: How do we strengthen relationships with each other? What can feminist counter-violence look like? How do we find momentum? There will be workshops, panel discussions, debates, films, etc.. We don’t want to go into the days with a consumerist attitude, but to participate ourselves, to work on content in solidarity with each other and to exchange ideas. The congress will be open to all gender. Lectures/workshops will be held by FLINTA only (women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans, A-gender)

463 views16:02
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2022-05-24 13:41:59 **english below**

um den Prozess weiter zu führen den wir gemeinsam am 26.03. begonnen haben
laden wir euch herzlich zu einer weiteren VV am 11.06.2022 um 14:00 Uhr
in den Räumen der SfE (Schule für Erwachsenenbildung, Gneisenaustr 2a) ein.
Anbei sind 2 Protokolle der letzten VV und ganz bald veröffentlichen wir auch eine
ausführliche Einladung zu dieser VV.

to continue the process that we started together on the 26.03. we cordially invite you to
another assembly on 11.06.2022 starting 14:00 in the rooms of SfE (Schule für Erwachsenenbildung, Gneisenaustr 2a). Attached are 2 protocols of the last assembly
and very soon we will publish a more detailed invitation for this assembly

632 views10:41
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2022-05-21 20:36:16
Dear friends of Meuterei
We miss you and we miss to slide drinks over the counter. Therefore, there will be a Meuterei evening in exile on Saturday, 04.06. from 6pm. We look forward to a fun evening with you, at Bethaniendamm 28. If the weather plays along there will also be the possibility to enjoy our delicious Machete outside in the sun.

We kindly ask you to come tested.

Your Meuterei Crew
413 views17:36
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2022-05-21 20:27:31
Liebe Freund*innen der Meuterei
Wir vermissen euch und wir vermissen es Getränke über den Tresen rutschen zu lassen. Daher wird es am Samstag, den 04.06. ab 18 Uhr einen Meuterei Tresen im Exil geben. Wir freuen uns auf einen fröhlichen Kneipenabend mit euch, am Bethaniendamm 28. Wenn das Wetter mitspielt wird es auch die Möglichkeit geben unseren köstlichen Machete draussen in der Sonne zu genießen.

Wir bitten euch getestet zu kommen.

Eure Meuterei Crew
443 views17:27
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2022-05-20 15:59:09
Next week Saturday (28.05) will be this party during
Together in love and rage - congress for the anarcha-queerfeminist revolt! (26-29.05)
More infos om the congress can be found here!
790 viewsedited  12:59
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2022-05-15 15:19:03
1.2K views12:19
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2022-05-11 16:09:39
518 views13:09
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2022-05-04 09:14:09 Discussion Weekend - 06-08 May 2022- Bethanien at New York Berlin
From the Open Assembly for Offensive Solidarity - We are all §129 a,b,c,d.. we invite you to a weekend of discussion and events from 6 to 8 May 2022 in Berlin.The goal of the weekend could be to follow two to three threads of discussion: How we deal with repressive feelings at the moment, how we want to deal with them, what we can learn from mistakes. How can we be emotionally prepared? What are we afraid of? Is it oppression? The goal should not be to avoid repression, but to fight the oppression. Repression should be a natural part of our struggles, as should solidarity.
More info: https://kontrapolis.info/6971/
1.3K views06:14
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2022-05-04 09:13:46
1.3K views06:13
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