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People are disappointed in this tweet from EMJ, but he is an o | AltWriteWegner

People are disappointed in this tweet from EMJ, but he is an old man who has been arguing the same line on these issues for decades, he's not going to change his stance now. This is one of a myriad of reasons why our movement must be youth-focused, as only by breaking the rules which have been seen as unbreakable for decades can we win. Boomers with few exceptions have fully internalized these rules which the new media environment is liquidating.

Also, old people who grew up as a white supermajority during the most prosperous period in human history are not going to feel the existential crisis that whites face in the same way which a young millennial or zoomer who grew up as a white minority in their own neighbourhood will. The youth are increasingly barred from the luxury of ignoring racialized politics - their option is to either become explicitly complicit in white erasure or seek after the salvaging of white identity. And the enemy will not let you salvage white identity without labelling you a Nazi, so we have no choice but to confront the elephant in the room.