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Courtcase against L34 accomplice on 31.01.22! No one stands al | QueerdurchBerlin

Courtcase against L34 accomplice on 31.01.22! No one stands alone!

Over one year ago our beloved house Liebig34 was brutally evicted by the cops. More than 50 people were taken from the house. Now the third court case is set to begin.
30 years of feminist, chaotic, loving, strong and queer resistance in L34 cant be just destroyed. Liebig never will rest in peace !
Lets show our friends that they're not alone. Our house is demolished, but our solidarity remains unbroken!
Come for support on the 31.01.22 at 8:30 am to the court house!
Bring your friends and flat mates!
We bring coffee and breakfast
31.01.22 / 8:30 o'clock / Turmstr. 91