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2022-07-13 16:28:06
Italian taxi drivers hit the parliament in Rome following the Uber Files scandal and the liberalization of licenses imposed by Mario Draghi and the EU.

Chants of "Come down or we will go up!"
42 views13:28
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2022-07-13 16:27:15
How To Make Biodiesel At Home
A Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners
By Mark Tibbert
42 views13:27
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2022-07-13 16:00:40 >Johnny deep
( Real inside STORY...)//

> In the film Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas..Depp plays Hunter S . Thompson. In a drug fueled binge taking many drugs ( on the real life story of S. Thompson in Vegas ) Depp/Thompson consumes ADRENOCHROME< (made from human adrenaline gland)

_Hunter S. Thompson SATANIC parties and killings / human trafficking ring.
> Several eye witnesses & victims have identified Hunter S. Thompson in creating Snuff films ( where killings are filmed and sold). The victims identify S. THOMPSON as the man who made them Kill other children in Elite SATANIC parties and made them consume the dead bodies and have sex with them, while going filming the satanic ritual.
>Victims in The Franklin scandal ( human trafficking ring ) confirm S. Thompson made them Kill kids.
> Human trafficking victims in the south west have identified S. Thompson as being on a ranch in Colorado that housed trafficking ring network/ that included killings on the ranch with U.S. Elites in attendance.
> HUNTER S. Thompson admitted on Live broadcast tv of KILLING humans ( Dave letterman show)
>Thompson often bragged to many friends of killing people.
>THOMPSON bragged he would kill himself by shooting himself in the head. ( Many kids and victims have stated this is how Thompson killed kids or forced other children to kill kids.. Gun to the head... Or strangulation.
>February 20, 2005 Hunter S. Thompson blows his own brains out. DEAD

_Memphis three Satanic killings and rape of children
>Three Memphis men were convicted of killing three kids in satanic rituals ( vast number of other satanic killings in the area were not solved and police deliberately closed the connected cases) the men were found guilty and sentenced to death..... But Johnny Depp stepped in with Millions of dollars and high Elite powerful lawyers and got the men off and freed them. CIA MOCKINGBIRD MSM media took control of NARRATION in the story and planted stories in the backing of Hollywood, singers gathering behind Depp to free the killers.
_CIA controlled human trafficking ring through Memphis Tennessee, Omaha Nebraska , Kansas, > ARKANSA< up to Chicago Illinois connected the VATICAN Cover up in pedophilia rings and removal of clergy and Bishops....>>> The was THE FRANKLIN COVEY UP SCANDAL< ( that has now been closed and police and investigations into the case are forbidden).... The Franklin human trafficking NETWORKS continue into this day which is connected to DC . Podesta, pizza gate,

>JOHNNY DEPP / HUNTER S. THOMPSON were best friends and Depp even did the funeral arrangements for THOMPSON and granted his last wishes.
Depp was often on Thompsons farm and Estates he owned under different names.

_VIPER room ( los angels night club owned in partnership with Johnny Depp )
>On Halloween night October 31, 1993 the SATANIC planned
Killing of River PHOENIX was planned and STAGED ... Underground the VIPER ROOM
( VENOMOUS SNAKE ROOM) the ADRENOCHROME party raged .... River PHOENIX in the weeks adding up to his death had become aware of SATANIC rituals and was distancing himself from Hollywood and wanted out.....CIA/ handlers gave DEPP the opportunity that night of HALLOWEEN to join the 33 Degree masons highest level of membership ( to join you must kill a close friend or family member)....

Everything you know of Hollywood is FAKE.. Everything you think you know Johnny Depp is FAKE....
ADRENOCHROME World hidden in plain sight...../////

Why do you think Johnny Depp and amber heard trial are Airing non-stop.. Full trial.... And you only get colored sketches of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial and few excerpts from the tria and everything is redacted in the released filesl///////

Here FOLLOW White Rabbit Q to be up-to-date.
44 views13:00
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2022-07-13 15:58:12
Unvaccinated Phillies’ J.T. Realmuto Responds to Canada Banning Him From Playing

“I’m not goIng to let Canada tell me what to put in my body”

45 views12:58
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2022-07-13 15:55:19
Frankreich, Paukenschlag:

Le Pens und Melenchons Parteien gewinnen Abstimmung gegen Macrons #greenpass für Kinder, Reisen nach Korsika und in die Überseegebiete:

„Ein erster Sieg“ (Le Pen).


Kanal folgen:
37 views12:55
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2022-07-13 15:52:42
»Wenn die NATO in einen Krieg mit Russland geht, dann möchte ich die hier Klatschenden sehen. Die haben alle die Eier hier zu klatschen, aber wenn eine Bombe auf Berlin fällt, stehen die alle vorm Bunker und rufen 'Lasst mich rein, ich bin Pazifist'«
(Serdar Somuncu)
40 views12:52
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2022-07-13 01:30:55
Putin hat einen Erlass unterzeichnet, der es allen ukrainischen Staatsbürgern ermöglicht, die russische Staatsbürgerschaft in einem vereinfachten Verfahren zu beantragen (zuvor waren nur ukrainische Staatsbürger, die in den Regionen DVR, LVR, Saporischschja und Cherson leben, berechtigt).
Путин подписал указ, разрешающий всем гражданам Украины обращаться за российским гражданством в упрощенном порядке (ранее это право давалось только украинским гражданам, которые живут в ДНР, ЛНР, Запорожской и Херсонской областях)
24 views22:30
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2022-07-13 01:30:00 Litauen behindert Handel mit Kaliningrad - Reuters

Litauische Beamte haben die Einfuhr einer Reihe anderer Waren in das Gebiet des Kaliningrader Gebiets eingeschränkt und dies mit EU-Sanktionen begründet. Dies berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters unter Berufung auf einen Vertreter des litauischen Zolls. Ab heute sind die folgenden Waren verboten: Beton, Holz, Alkohol, alkoholische Getränke auf Alkoholbasis und Industriechemikalien.

Zuvor war bekannt geworden, dass Russland die Vorbereitungen für strenge Vergeltungsmaßnahmen gegen Litauen und die EU abgeschlossen hat. Sollte sich die Lage nicht stabilisieren, wird in den nächsten Tagen mit ihrer Umsetzung begonnen, so das russische Außenministerium.
Литва расширила ограничения для торговли через свои территории с Калининградской областью — Reuters

Литовские чиновники ограничили ввоз на территорию Калининградской области еще ряда товаров, обосновывая это санкциями ЕС. Об этом пишет Reuters со ссылкой на представителя литовской таможни. Под запрет с сегодняшнего дня попали: бетон, дерево, спирт, алкоголь и промышленные химикаты на спиртовой основе.

Ранее стало известно, что Россия завершила подготовку жёстких ответных мер в отношении Литвы и ЕС. Их реализация начнется в ближайшие дни, если ситуация не стабилизируется, сообщили в МИД РФ.
20 views22:30
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2022-07-13 01:28:41
Ukrainisches Flugzeug Mi-24 verbrennt Weizenfeld. Cherson.
Украинский Ми-24 поджигает пшеничное поле.

23 views22:28
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