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Logo des Telegrammkanals q17trump - DIE WELT DER BETROGENEN GOTTESKINDER
Adresse des Kanals: @q17trump
Kategorien: Uncategorized
Sprache: Deutsch
Abonnenten: 3.96K
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♥️🙏Donald Trump ist
DER Auserwählte GOTTES
für die (Endzeit/Apokalypse)🙏❤️

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Die neuesten Nachrichten 8

2022-03-31 11:22:22 SCHRITT 2: WEIZEN-EMBARGO nach GAS-EMBARGO!

Jetzt auch Weizen in Rubel, nachdem ab 31.03.2022 Gas ausschließlich in Rubel verlangt wird.


Wie macht man den Westen platt? Genauso!
1.7K views08:22
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2022-03-31 11:21:13 Habeck ruft Frühwarnstufe des Notfallplans Gas aus

Deutschland bereitet sich auf einen möglichen Lieferstopp Russlands vor. Putin hatte angekündigt, die Bezahlung der Gasimporte nur noch in Rubel zu akzeptieren. Die erste Stufe eines Notfallplans greift.

Die Gesamtversorgung aller deutschen Gasverbraucher sei aktuell weiter gewährleistet, so das Ministerium. „Dennoch ist ab sofort jeder Gasverbraucher – von der Wirtschaft bis zu Privathaushalten – auch gehalten, seinen Verbrauch so gut wie möglich zu reduzieren.“

hier mehr erfahren:
1.6K views08:21
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2022-03-02 19:12:33
Israels Channel 13 News berichtet über den Krieg in der Ukraine und zeigt das folgende Filmmaterial.

Nur ein kleines Problem: Das Filmmaterial stammt aus dem Star Wars-Film! (Das Raumschiff & die Figuren)

Vertrauen Sie den Medien.

Quelle: Dr. Eli David
684 views16:12
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2022-02-28 11:26:45 https://rumble.com/vw1wjr-bide-gibt-geheime-info-an-china-putin-roht-mit-atomwaffen..html
Danke fürs Teilen und Folgen auf: https://t.me/TranslatedPressDE
706 views08:26
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2022-02-27 20:10:29 PRÄSIDENT TRUMP - CPAC - Unter Bush ist Russland in Georgien einmarschiert Unter Obama hat Russland die Krim erobert Unter Biden ist Russland in die Ukraine einmarschiert Ich bin der einzige Präsident des 21. Jahrhunderts, unter dessen Aufsicht Russland nicht in ein anderes Land einmarschiert ist -.
589 views17:10
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2022-02-27 20:10:08
PRESIDENT TRUMP - CPAC - Under Bush Russia invaded Georgia Under Obama Russia took Crimea Under Biden Russia invaded Ukraine I stand is the only president Of the 21st-century On who’s watch Russia did not invade Another country - THOUGHTS? SHARE!!

543 views17:10
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2022-02-27 20:08:30 Revelation, Redemption, Restoration, Reclamation, and Resurrection

Late last Wednesday, the 23rd of February, @Goldilocks wrote and it was verified as true:
* March 3rd, old financial system ends. The books are closed. THURSDAY
* March 4th, reports are written about the old system. FRIDAY
* March 5th, the results are published. SATURDAY
* March 6th, a new day dawns. SUNDAY

This AWESOME news deserves a bit of additional explanations don't you think? Especially since It's Past Time. It's Time for (shocking) Revelation, for Redemption, Restoration, Reclamation, and Resurrection of the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. This is North America, a land settled by visionaries and dreamers, later usurped by the Crown, through manipulation. Lincoln knew the theft that was planned. And now that manipulation has been corrected. Thank you, God! This has happened in our lifetime.

Dan Scavino put out a tweet on the 17th or 18th, describing a "10 day Grace period" ending February 28th, after which it's gloves off. On the 22nd of February, all banks were required to be BASEL 3 compliant, and if not, they were out of business. They could have merged with a solvent, healthy bank, as evidenced by Sun Trust, BBVA, and so many others. This message went out loud and clear in Russia. In Ukraine, although there was push back, this most important issue has been rectified. Ukraine can get on with Redemption, Restoration and Reclamation, just like more than 200 other countries. A lot of very important events happened in just 2 short weeks, the last of February.

Where's the Grace that Scavino mentioned though? We all wondered about this. It was a pause for the banks, and others involved in GCR. It was the right sort of last kindness shown to the people involved in bad acts. Giving no quarter for further extensions. The End is Here Now. It's Time to get on with a New Beginning.

The window of Grace is up on Tuesday. And then Grace becomes our gift - the Grace of RV GCR and 1,000 Years of Peace, with all that this entails, including NESARA. Trump spoke about all of this on CPAC tonight. He said, "Everything is on Tape. Everything will be released and in about 3 to 4 weeks, it will all be disclosed."

President Donald Trump spoke about the Immediate Changes that Must Take Place. "Our Country is a Mess. Our Country is a Dangerous Place." Let's get to the other side of that statement. With the Rule of Law, under NESARA, we're looking at the Lawful Constitution of 1776, under a new Treasury - for the People. As Trump has promised, "We will restore our Nation, of the People, By the People and For the People." Thank you, President Trump!

Not too long now.
435 views17:08
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2022-02-27 20:05:06
Präsident Donald Trump:

,,..Zuckerberg went to the White House to kiss MY ASS."

Ich liebe diesen Mann und
seinen Humor.

Mehr Infos
89 views17:05
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2022-02-27 20:03:23 Ukrainischer Außenminister: "Das Ende der Weltordnung, wie wir sie kennen"

Laut Kreml haben DNR und LNR Putin um Hilfe gebeten, die Aggression der ukrainischen Streitkräfte zurückzuschlagen, um Opfer unter der Zivilbevölkerung und eine humanitäre Katastrophe im Donbas zu vermeiden
467 views17:03
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2022-02-27 20:02:39
Ukrainian Foreign Minister: "The End of The World Order as We Know It"

The Kremlin says the DNR and LNR have asked Putin to help beat back the aggression of the Ukrainian armed forces to avoid victims among the civilian population and a humanitarian catastrophe in the Donbas

373 views17:02
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