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Hello beautiful Soul Family,  Ascension energies are at an A | Global 🌎 Indigo 🦋☮💙✝💙☪💙🕉💙✡💙☯💙

Hello beautiful Soul Family, 

Ascension energies are at an ALL-TIME HIGH! From Solstice until January 3rd or so, we are walking through a very high-frequency 'Ascension Corridor' as guides like to call it, and many of you may be feeling a sense of ungroundedness, floatiness, and also negativity surfacing from within you to be seen and then cleared. 

All of this is not only normal but also very positive. Allow these symptoms to fully absorb within you and then release out of you. You will come out shinier on the other side, so hang in there :)

These Ascension upgrades are helping prepare you for the intensity of what's coming in 2022 and beyond! Without these energies, you would energetically crash and be unable to withstand Earth's frequencies so we encourage that you shift your perspective from 'I am sick and feel horrible' to 'I am going through the most intense upgrades and activations of my life, this is exciting and I cannot wait to see what lies ahead for me' :) ...

With Love,

EldoRa & Siman