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A very successful weekend for Nationalists in Europe and shows | šŸŽ±Diviāš”ion Maāš”terracešŸŽ±

A very successful weekend for Nationalists in Europe and shows that our fight and spirit will live on despite government pressure and banning on demonstrations

Lukov March (Sofia, Bulgaria)
- 500 attend the March for the Bulgarian general and hero from WW2 despite the government prohibiting the event

Dresden Memorial (Dresden, Germany)
1200 Nationalists remember and honour the victims of the bombings terror of 1945, the biggest demonstration in years

Day of Honour (Budapest, Hungary)
The government banned the event last week but that didnā€™t stop 300 Nationalists from Legio Hungaria and friends from various football teams around Budapest from mobilising in the city centre. Also a B&H gig took place on Friday

Europe Awake!
