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Watch the video from our huge ”Build Fortress Europe” action. | Widerstand in Bewegung

Watch the video from our huge ”Build Fortress Europe” action. (Special no lambda version so it can be shared even in Austria, where the lamdba currently is outlawed).

On sunday the 24th of October identitarian activists unfolded a 200 square meter banner on Trekroner Fort, a famous old fortress in the harbour of Copenhagen, bearing the slogan ”Build Fortress Europe! The pressure on the borders of Europe is increasing for many reasons: there are migrants entering from the east, the Corona restrictions have been lifted in many places, the situation has changed in Afghanistan, prompting many to leave the country, and so on. Furthermore, there are already millions of migrants waiting to enter Europe in countries such as Turkey. The European politicians cannot close their eyes and pretend that these issues do not exist! We demand safe borders and safe homelands for Europeans. Build Fortress Europe!