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Die neuesten Nachrichten 17

2023-05-20 18:48:24 Nikkei Asia writes that Japan imposes new sanctions against Russia:

bans architectural and engineering services to Russians;

freeze the assets of almost 100 people and organizations that are trying to avoid the current sanctions restrictions;

ban exports for 80 Russian organizations associated with the Russian Armed Forces.
645 views᛭Mikkeꑭ, 15:48
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2023-05-20 18:47:22
Нордические повстанцы Фенноскандии на Карельском перешейке

Pohjoiset kapinalliset Fennoskandiasta Karjalan kannaksella

Nordiske opprørere fra Fennoskandia på Karelsk neset
631 views᛭Mikkeꑭ, 15:47
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2023-05-20 18:44:56 literally bakhmut war is the second longest war in the history and russian didn't conquer bakhmut (ukraine still controls some places of bakhmut even after prigozhin's dichiaration)
623 views᛭Mikkeꑭ, 15:44
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2023-05-20 18:44:37 When you debate Kremlin shills long enough, eventually they will cede 95% of the argument to you. They will say that yes;

Russia has more non-White immigration than Ukraine,

Russia is more multiracial and multicultural than Ukraine,

Russia is more multireligious than Ukraine and has a booming Muslim population set to become the majority in the coming years,

Russia is more strict on White Nationalist organizations than Ukraine,

Russia is more sympathetic to Antifa and Communism than Ukraine (the Russian government funds Antifa conferences),

Russia has a much higher covid vax rate and stricter covid laws than Ukraine,

Russia has more abortions than Ukraine,

Russia has more divorces than Ukraine,

Russia is a more underdeveloped country than Ukraine...

BUT, they will say Russia is challenging the America/NATO etc. led world order, therefore it's better for the White race for Russia to win the war. This is not true.

They will also say that Russia is slightly less friendly to LGBT than Ukraine (Russia is considered the 23rd least friendly country to LGBT out of 197, and Ukraine is 40/197). To me, supporting a country which brags about intentionally murdering White children, is engaging in egregious White Genocide, has worse oppression for White Nationalists, non-White immigration, Antifa and Communist sympathies and government funded activities, multiracialism/culturalism, because they are slightly less friendly to LGBT seems utterly bizarre, but in this post I will cover the main argument of Russia is challenging America/NATO.

One of the very first posts on my channel debunked this claim. The summary is that the Russian invasion of a non-NATO country, and initiating full scale nation vs nation war in Europe for the first time since 1945, has immensely strengthened NATO by gifting it the new member of Finland, soon gifting it with the new member Sweden, caused Poland and Germany to spend hundreds of billions of Euros with NATO weapons contractors upgrading their militaries, and has given NATO their highest ever approval ratings across Europe. If the argument is that NATO membership is inherently and on it's own bad for the White race, then Russia should definitely not be supported as their invasion has made NATO stronger in Europe than ever before. If you bring this argument up to a Kremlin shill and he responds with "this is if you fight them you lose logic", then they have exposed themselves as more pro-Kremlin than pro-White, simply own them with this argument to win any neutral observers of the argument over to the pro-Ukraine side.

However, there is another angle to how Russia has not challenged America, but instead made America stronger; the Russian invasion of Ukraine has returned the military prestige America lost in the eyes of the world when they shambolically retreated from Afghanistan.

In August 2021, America withdrew from Afghanistan after roughly 20 years. The Taliban, which America declared an enemy and fought for decades, was seen as embarrassing the US Military by easily retaking their land and capturing untold billions of American military equipment. The most powerful military on the planet, ran out by incest-ridden tribal warlords in the desert. The entire world was questioning American power and prestige. I know, it wasn't a conventional war but rather an occupation and guerilla war. Still, the goals of America were not achieved, and the withdrawal was a major blow to American prestige.

Then just 6 months later, Russia invaded Ukraine, and American military technology from the 1980's and 90's is now being praised around the world for being able to dominate the allegedly 3rd most powerful military on the planet. When the American military is being discussed today, it is being discussed how it is the strongest military on the planet and how they are the leader of a newly enlarged and invigorated NATO. All thanks to Russia.

There is no pro-White argument to supporting the Kremlin and Putin. There are tons of arguments to support Ukraine, specifically Ukrainian Nationalists.
480 views᛭Mikkeꑭ, 15:44
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2023-05-20 15:55:09 guys, this is the last month after a while i'll be asking to support via donations i have several projects and your help is fundamental 100-200 dollars would make a big difference
383 viewsIdq, 12:55
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2023-05-20 15:20:26 guys, this is the last month after a while i'll be asking to support via donations

i have several projects and your help is fundamental
100-200 dollars would make a big difference
565 viewsIdq, 12:20
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2023-05-20 15:17:19 Not sure if true
531 viewsIdq, 12:17
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2023-05-20 15:17:13
Footage from what is reported to be a Ukrainian Soldier who is Withdrawing from the City of Bakhmut stating, “Bakhmut has Fallen.”

417 viewsIdq, 12:17
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2023-05-20 15:15:42 Jesus, my last post I was talking about my job, sorry, it happens
523 viewsIdq, 12:15
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2023-05-20 13:11:22 G7 leaders make fresh commitments on AI, climate and food security

Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) nations, who met in Hiroshima, Japan, on Saturday, called for the development and adoption of international technical standards for trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI).

They mentioned generative AI, the subset popularized by the ChatGPT app, saying they “need to immediately take stock of the opportunities and challenges of generative AI.”
755 viewsIdq, 10:11
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