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- In Bern, Switzerland there is a statue of a Jew eating child | Tala Wolf

- In Bern, Switzerland there is a statue of a Jew eating children as a memorial to a very prolific case that occured in Bern. All the Jews there were expelled for it and the statue was commissioned to remind the people of what the Jews had done.
Jewish attire with the typical "Judenhut" that a Vatican Council Bull ordered that all Jews must wear to distinguish themsleves from the Christian peoples.

- A Berna, in Svizzera, c'è una statua di un ebreo che mangia bambini in memoria di un caso molto prolifico avvenuto a Berna. Tutti gli ebrei furono espulsi per questo e la statua fu commissionata per ricordare alla gente ciò che gli ebrei avevano fatto. Abbigliamento ebraico con la tipica "Judenhut" che una bolla del Concilio Vaticano ordinava a tutti gli ebrei di indossare per distinguersi dai popoli cristiani. La statua si chiama "The Child Eater"

The statue is called "The Child Eater"

✠ @Bruderschaft_Thule ✠