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Biden Has Released 250,000 Unaccompanied Illegal Immigrant Chi | 🕊Q Operation GARGAMEL Telegramm

Biden Has Released 250,000 Unaccompanied Illegal Immigrant Children Into The US
In 2012, Barack Obama's Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano rolled out the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” program, also known as DACA. Over 800,000 illegal immigrant children (or more) have been blocked from deportation and allowed to remain in the US through the DACA program through 2021.
Donald Trump moved to terminate DACA but the Supreme Court backed immigration advocates in 2020.
In July 2021, a federal judge ruled that first-time DACA applicants were barred from applying to the program. All individuals whose DACA requests were approved prior to July 16, 2021 will continue to have DACA status and all DACA requests that were approved before July 16 will continue to be eligible to renew DACA and DACA work permits.
DACA allowed noncitizens who were then under the age of 31 and had entered America before turning 16 years old and before 2007 to request that the government not deport them. DACA children, also called “DREAMers” for the sake of political optics, were not granted technical citizenship status, but were granted most of the benefits of citizenship anyway, including driver's licenses, work permits and social security numbers. In many states this kind of documentation also allows them to vote despite living in the US illegally.
Even though DACA has been shut down, Joe Biden has allowed over 257,000 illegal minors into the US to be relocated according to recent data from US Customs and Border Protection. They are not accompanied by parents and are often farmed out to foster or “sponsor” homes across the country. Keep in mind these are official government stats, which tend to under-report illegal immigration activity.
Like Obama, Biden has continued to ignore constitutional law on immigration, which says that only Congress is able to determine immigration levels within any given period of time.
The scheme is rather obvious – Import illegal immigrant children using their age and circumstances as an empathy shield against critics, then keep them in the US so long that it then becomes socially unacceptable to deport them when they are adults. Thus, they receive de facto citizenship without Congress having a say in the matter because “the poor children,” and leftists buy hundreds of thousands of future voters in the process.
These unilateral policies have created an epidemic of illegal migrants, especially young children, along US Border states, along with rampant human trafficking and other highly unsavory criminal activities. Border and refugee agencies have struggled to keep up with the constant arrivals of children, with thousands coming per week setting new records.