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Berlin is the city where all the crazy people go. Look at them | KitKatClub, Berlin (official)

Berlin is the city where all the crazy people go. Look at them: ISA SPITS exchanging her eye bulbs with bluematic ones, TOMMY COUNTACH vanhaling his hairdo for a homemade electronica show that sounds like 1986, ROGER THAT coming over from Sweden to do all the things he can't do at home and DANNI MORALI to ask us the ultimate question of life… to moustache or not to moustache! Expect also BILLY IDLE giggling quietly from the pink sofa at all the madness that ensues when @DISCOBIZARRE takes control of @KITKATBERLIN. This Saturday 27th. Not to be repeated. Sexy as fck as always in this horny city, but no inappropriate behaviour is tolerated. You can watch all the flawlessness, but you have to ask before you touch. Oh, by the way, we play '70s and '80s disco music. Jam el Mar, Boho, Milla Lou, Alican Baykaro, Niko Incravalle and Felix FX play mostly techno on three further floors, plus Trio Tactic do jazz and Los Compadritos produce tango.