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Radio702 2013-10-31 Talk-at-Nine - Strokes - Prof. Girish Mod | Independent Anons NEWS

Radio702 2013-10-31 Talk-at-Nine - Strokes
- Prof. Girish Modi, Head of Neurology, WITS University

This man was sucking his FACTS out of his thumb right there in the Studio, as he did have nothing else to defend himself with, so he just shot it all down - shooting himself in the foot!

FACT is and remains, EMF and Electro-Magnetic Radiation (Microwaves from WiFi & Cellphones and all the other WIRELESS GADGETS) do cause strokes, heart attacks, cancer any many other illnesses and problems!
- Making statements like he did, is not the best for the scientist he wants to be - and THIS is exactly what he is teaching his students! Well as long as the University can make MONEY being paid by the industry, to develop Nano Robots which can be injected into a body, to do whatever ....
I would be very cautions, to what that is Robot doing once it had completed its original task?
- Does it perhaps have a 2nd payload and another purpose - because that's the point when this device becomes a very dangerous REMOTE CONTROLLED WEAPON !!!

I only believe most people only as far as I can see them!