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One of the most significant virtues is claimed to be a strong | GUIDELESS through the night - and out of it💡

One of the most significant virtues is claimed to be a strong sense of justice.

Justice has exalted civilizations to unbelievable heights.
This virtue has led us to battle, while also preventing war.
It has protected the vulnerable and struck down tyrants.
It has also led us to the eternal, natural way (Dharma).
Justice is truth, moral, freedom and so much more.

Unjust actions will never sit right with ones conscience.
Our perception of conscience has been so horribly manipulated throughout the years by those who seek our destruction, yet it is not entirely lost.
Its revival is a naturally occurring phenomena that has to happen once the scales of justice are tipped too far in an unjust ratio.

We must never forget what made our forefathers so great in the first place. We must evade becoming as corrupt as the adversary at all costs.
We must be just.

Let justice lead the way, trust your gut. If something doesn’t sit right with you, it’s probably for a good reason.
