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A cargo cult is the complete or partial copying of objects and | GUIDELESS through the night - and out of it💡

A cargo cult is the complete or partial copying of objects and actions without a full or partial understanding of the functioning.

In other words, when two races of different technological levels encounter one another, the more primitive people will not be able to cognitively comprehend the technologies of the higher race.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

In many instances, primitive tribes and people inherit, or are given supplies or some sort technological means of life by the advanced race, which they cannot understand the function of. The technological race will be viewed as God-like, and their objects will be described by means of metaphor. Advanced flying machines could be described as heavenly birds, or flying chariots in the realm of Indo-European cultures.

Consequentially over time ritual practices will form as a result of these confusing ancient interactions. Every religion has some form of this, can you think of some other such cargo cult practices?