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First, do no harm! The futility already known from our medica | Dr. Thomas Binder, MD

First, do no harm!

The futility already known from our medical training and the far-reaching ineffectiveness and intense uncertainty of the experimental mRNA and DNA injections already known from the approval studies have meanwhile been impressively confirmed in the real world.

While so-called experts claim to this very day, unmolested by health authorities, media and prosecutors, that, after inection, the lipid nano particles remain in the deltoid muscle, we know from pharmacokinetic studies that they are found in the blood within 15 minutes and in all tissues within hours. The mRNA is translated in an unconrolled manner locally and quantitatively - effective dose of spike protein unknown and varying widely interindividually - into spike protein in theoretically all cell types. These cells are then eliminated by the immune system.

This can lead to vasculitis and thrombosis in large vessels (e.g. myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke and pulmonary embolism), diffusely in small vessels (determine D-dimer and perform fundoscopy / OCT laser! ), autoimmune-like inflammation of theoretically all organs (e.g. myocarditis), induction of immunosuppression with reactivation of herpes zoster, EB and CM viruses, autoimmune diseases and tumour progression and induction. The same applies in principle to vector vaccines.

Canadian Covid Care Alliance explains in this video and text the unscientific nature of Pfizer's Comirnaty fraudulent approval and safety data and why it is unscientific, unethical and unlawful to inject it into people, first and foremost into children.

Doctors for COVID Ethics have summarised the scientific basis of the unnecessary, ineffective, unsafe serial experimental mRNA and DNA injections, which has now been (histo)pathologically confirmed, e.g. here.