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Learn German with Leo🦁

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2023-02-26 17:02:02 Tipps, um neue Wörter schnell und effektiv zu lernen.

1. Beginne mit kurzen Wörtern und Sätzen.
2. Ändere die Reihenfolge der einzelnen Wörter.
3. Verwende Redewendungen und Idiome.
4. Spreche mit Muttersprachlern.
5. Verwende Flashcards.
6. Schau dir deutsche Videos an.
7. Benutze Apps die dir helfen können, eine Deutsch zu lernen.
8. Hab keine Angst neue Grammatik & Co. zu lernen.
9. Lerne ganze Sätze, um dir das Wort im Kontext zu merken.
10. Verwende Synonyme.
11. Wenn das Wort lang ist, teile es in mehrere Teile auf.
12. Finde Verbindungen zu den Wörtern.
13. Stelle mündliche Fragen.
14. Lerne in Kombination mit Musik.
15. Lerne neue Wörter jeden Tag

Hast du noch weitere Tipps?
204 views14:02
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2023-02-23 16:46:08 TOP 10 adjective suffixes!

Let's review the most common suffixes that form adjectives in German:

1. -ig

die Sonne (sun) - sonnig (sunny)

die Macht (power) - mächtig (powerful)

die Freude (joy) - freudig (joyful)

die Geduld (patience) - geduldig (patient)

2. -liсh

der Mensch (human) - menschlich (humanely)

der Freund (friend) - freundlich (friendly)

3. -haft

die Dauer (duration) - dauerhaft durable (long lasting)

der Sieg (victory) - sieghaft (victorious)

4. -e(r)

der Stein (stone) - steinern (stone)

das Gold (gold) - golden (golden)

5. -isch

die Politik (politics) - politisch (political)

das Quadrat (square) - quadratisch (squarely)

6. -er

/ used to form adjectives from city names /

Moskau (Moscow) - Moskauer (Moscow's citizen)

Berlin (Berlin) - Berliner (Berlin's citizen)

7. -bar

/ forms adjectives from the basics of transitive verbs /

danken (give thanks) - dankbar (thankful)

trinken (drinkable) - trinkbar (drinkable)

8. -sam

/ forms adjectives from the basics of nouns, adjectives and verbs /

lang (long) - langsam (slow)

bedeuten (mean) - bedeutsam (significant)

9. -voll, -reich

/ denote completeness of quality /

die Bedeutung (meaning) - bedeutungsvoll (meaningful)

die Abwechslung (change) - abwechslungsreich (diverse)

10. -leer, -frei, -los, -arm

/ indicate a lack of quality /

die Bedeutung (meaning) - bedeutungslos (meaningless)

der Geist (spirit, mind) - geistlos (mediocre)
193 views13:46
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2023-02-20 19:01:30 Most Important German Verbs

Yes, you must know these verbs, so don't postpone it until tomorrow!

1. The verbs HABEN (to have) and SEIN (to be)

"To have" and "to be" are the most important verbs of any language, as they convey two important meanings:

- I am, this is ... - existence
- I have, he has ... - belonging

er hat viele Freunde - he has many friends
was wollen Sie haben? - what do you want?
er ist zu Hause - he is at home
es ist kalt - it's cold

2. The verbs MACHEN and TUN (to do)

The most important expressions:

was machst du? - what are you doing?
das macht nichts - is nothing, nothing at all (answer to "thank you")
einen Antrag machen - to propose (to marry)
es tut mir leid - I'm sorry
viel zu tun haben - to be very busy

3. Modal and related verbs

Modality is a complex category that expresses the desire to do something, the obligation, the permission. Here they are:

können - can (to have a physical ability)

dürfen - allowed to (to have permission, permission)

mögen (möchten) - to wish (to like)

wollen - to want (exactly and categorically)

sollen - should (mild, recommendation)

müssen– have to (order)

Modal verbs differ from ordinary verbs in all respects:
- by their non-standard temporary forms;
- those that are not used with zu (in infinitive constructions).

4. The verb of becoming WERDEN

It is necessary to know it without thinking twice, since it forms the future tense with the infinitive of any semantic verb.

Ich werde Deutsch lernen - I will learn German.

Future tense is very important, isn't it? In addition to the future, WERDEN shows the process of changing one to another, or rather becoming:

Es wird dunkel - It's getting dark
die Tage werden länger kürzer - days get longer and shorter
was will er werden? - what does he want to be?

And with the help of this verb, Passiv is formed:

das Haus wird gebaut - the house is under construction

5. The verb GEBEN (to give)

What is so special about it, you ask, because this is an ordinary semantic verb. Not really! In the meaning of GIVING, this is really just a useful semantic verb. But there is a peculiarity: GEBEN forms a special linguistic form Es gibt - exists / exist, which is why I isolated it.

The Es gibt construction is extremely important! It is used in relation to everything that "is", that is, "exists":

Es gibt viel interessantes - there are many interesting things
Gut, dass es dich gibt - it's good that you are

IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: Es gibt + Akkusativ - that is, the addition will always be in the accusative case, and in addition, it is important to understand that even if there are many objects, the form of the verb will still be gibt (since the subject is es anyway):

Es gibt einen Mann - There is one person
es gibt viel zu tun - a lot of work
was gibt es da zu lachen? - what's so funny?

Learn these important verbs today!
941 views16:01
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2023-02-18 10:00:24 One German word with more than one meaning

The most important of these words:

die Bank - 1. bench, 2. bank

die Mutter - 1. mother, 2. nut

das Gericht - 1. dish, 2. court

die Scheibe - 1. glass (window), 2. piece / slice 3. disk

die Schiene - 1. rail, 2. tire

der Wurf - 1. throw, 2. offspring

die Tafel - 1. board, 2. bar (chocolate)

der Stock - 1. stick, 2. floor

der Nagel - 1. hobnail , 2. nail

die Schale - 1. bowl, 2. shell / peel

der Schalter - 1. switch, 2. window (in the bank, at the station)

der Absatz - 1. paragraph, 2. sales, 3. heel

der Ball - 1. ball(football ball ), 2. ball(where people dance )

die Decke - 1. blanket / bedspread, 2. ceiling

die Blume - 1. flower, 2. foam (beer)

Some words have different meanings, but there is something in common between them. For example:

das Glas - 1. glass, 2. glass(like a glass cup)

die Birne - 1. pear, 2. light bulb

das Eis - 1. ice, 2. ice cream

das Schloss - 1. castle (palace), 2. lock (at the door)

das Tor - 1. gateway , 2. goal

das Rad - 1. wheel, 2. bike

der Löffel - 1. spoon, 2. hare / rabbit ear

der Ring - 1. ring , 2. boxing ring

das Becken - 1. sink, 2. pelvis (anatomy), 3. cymbals (musical instrument)

das Blatt - 1. sheet (botany), 1. sheet of paper

die Geschichte - 1. history, 2. story

Names and classes of people who have other meanings:

der Hamburger - 1. Hamburger (a person who lives in Hamburg, Germany), 2. Hamburger

der Läufer - 1. runner, 2. elephant (chess), 3. midfielder (in football)

die Dame - 1. queen, 2. drafts 3. queen (in chess)

Animals with a second value:

die Fliege - 1. fly, 2. bow tie (tie)

der Strauß - 1. ostrich, 2. bouquet

der Hahn - 1. cock, 2. water tap

der Kater - 1. cat, 2. hangover

die Schlange - 1. snake, 2. waiting line

Body parts of animals with other meanings:

der Löwenzahn - 1. lion tooth, 2. dandelion

das Katzenauge - 1. cat's eye, 2. reflective light (that thing that glows when light hits)

der Fuchsschwanz - 1. fox tail, 2. hand saw

die Feder - 1. feather, 2. spring

P.S. I specifically did not include words in this collection that change their meaning depending on the article, for example: die Kiefer - pine, der Kiefer - jaw. This is a completely different story.
79 views07:00
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2023-02-16 13:33:53 Let's uograde your speech!

Here are 25 most important adverbs-amplifiers of the German language

überhaupt nicht - not at all

gar nicht - not at all

kaum - barely

nicht besonders - not particularly

halbwegs - to some extent

einigermaßen - more or less

etwas - a little

relative - relatively

vergleichsweise - comparatively

recht - truth

besonders - especially

ganz - absolutely

ziemlich - quite

völlig - completely

ungemein - extraordinary

unglaublich - unbelievable

sehr - very

außergewöhnlich - extraordinarily

außerordentlich - extraordinary

überaus - extremely

ausgesprochen - clearly

hochst - very

absolut - absolutely

total - completely

extreme - extremely
550 views10:33
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2023-02-11 10:00:17 ​​​​ Witcher

The Witcher is not only a series of books about the adventures of a mysterious hero, but also a whole franchise - even the series was filmed with Henry Cavill in the title role.

(DE): Reichet Gold eurem Hexer, ihr gültigen Menschen (2x)
(EN): Toss a coin to your Witcher, you guilty people

(DE): Am Rande dieser Welt, bekämpfte er das Horn, es plagte und schlug euch und brachte nur Zorn
(EN): At the edge of this world, he fought with a horn, he harassed and beat you and brought only anger

(DE): Gegen jeden Elf kämpfte er einstan, weit fort in den Bergen, aus denen er kam.
Merzte aus die Pest, hört Ihr denn nicht zu?
(EN): In the past, he fought with every elf, far in the mountains, where he comes from. Cleared the plague, didn't you hear?

(DE): Er ist Freund aller Menschen, drum lasst ihn in Ruh
Das war meine Mär von diesem starken Mann, er bekämpfte das Böse, nun stoßt auf ihn an
(EN): He is a friend of all people, so leave him alone
This was my story about this strong man, he fought evil, so let's drink to him

(DE): Reichet Gold eurem Hexer, Ihr gültigen Menschen, ihr gültigen Menschen
(EN): Give gold to your witcher, good people

(DE): Reichet Gold eurem Hexer, ein Freund aller Menschen
(EN): Give gold to your witcher, friend of all people

(DE): Reichet Gold eurem Hexer, Ihr gültigen Menschen, ihr gültigen Menschen
(EN): Give gold to your witcher, good people

(DE): Reichet Gold eurem Hexer, ein Freund aller Menschen
(EN): Give gold to your witcher, friend of all people

(DE): Reichet Gold eurem Hexer, Ihr gültigen Menschen, ihr gültigen Menschen
(EN): Give gold to your witcher, good people

(DE): Reichet Gold eurem Hexer, ein Freund aller Menschen
(EN): Give gold to your witcher, friend of all people
384 views07:00
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2023-02-09 08:00:13 Paired conjunctions in German

Nicht... sondern...

Im Frühjahr fahren unsere Kinder nicht aufs Land, sondern in eine Jugendherberge. - In spring, our children will not go to the countryside, but to a camping site (contra).

Diesen Text hat er nicht gelernt, sondern nur vorgelesen. - He did not learn this text, he only read it out loud (contra).

Nicht nur... sondern auch...

Diesen Text hat er nicht nur vorgelesen, sondern auch gelernt. - He not only read the text aloud, but also learnt it (association).

Im Frühjahr fahren unsere Kinder nicht nur aufs Land, sondern auch in eine Jugendherberge. - In spring, our children will not only go to the countryside, but also to a camping site (association).

Weder... noch...

Im Frühjahr fahren unsere Kinder weder aufs Land noch in eine Jugendherberge. - In spring, our children will not go either to the countryside or to a camping site (association).

Entweder ... oder...

Im Frühjahr fahren unsere Kinder entweder aufs Land oder in eine Jugendherberge. - In spring our children will either go to the countryside or to a camping site (contra).

Diesen Text muss er entweder gut vorlesen oder lernen. - He must either read this text out loud or learn it (contra).

Zwar ... aber ...

Unsere Kinder fahren zwar im Frühjahr nicht aufs Land, aber sie fahren in eine Jugendherberge. - It is true that our children will not go to the countryside in spring, but they will go to a camping site (contra).

Diesen Text hat er zwar nicht gelernt, aber er hat ihn gut vorgelesen. - He did not really learn this text, but he read it out loud well (contrast).

Je... desto ...

The first part of this double conjunction ("je") introduces the adjective sentence, while the second ("desto") introduces the main sentence. In the main sentence, there is an inversion (first the predicate and then the subject), e.g:

Je mehr Peter erzählt, desto weniger verstehen wir. - The more Peter tells, the less we understand.

Je mehr große Aufträge unsere Firma bekommt, desto schneller wächst unser Gewinn. - The more large orders our company receives, the faster our profits grow.
188 views05:00
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2023-02-07 15:50:34 How do you define an adjective?
Let's remember the basic endings:

- lich:
freundlich - friendly
sportlich - sporty
glücklich - happy

- isch:
fantastisch - fantastic
exotisch - exotic
optimistisch - optimistic

- sch:
falsch - wrong, mistaken
hübsch - beautiful, pretty, nice

- ig:
richtig - right
dreckig - dirty
lustig - funny, amusing

- lig:
billig - cheap, inexpensive, primitive
langweilig - boring
heilig - holy

- bar:
wunderbar - wonderful
furchtbar - horrible
genießbar - edible

- los:
sinnlos - meaningless
bewusstlos - unconscious
arbeitslos - unemployed

- haft:
ekelhaft - nasty, disgusting
zauberhaft - charming
dauerhaft - durable, solid

- sam:
langsam - slow
seltsam - strange
sparsam - economical, thrifty

- voll:
wertvoll - precious
sinnvoll - expedient, sensible
qualvoll - painful

- reich:
hilfreich - useful
zahlreich - numerous
kalorienreich - calorific

- ant:
interessant - interesting
elegant - elegant
riskant - risky

- al:
fatal - fatal
total - total

- ell:
offiziell - official
originell - original
visuell - visual

- iv:
aggressiv - aggressive
intensiv - intense
kreativ - creative

- ös:
seriös - serious
nervös - nervous
religiös - religious

- ern:
modern - modern
nüchtern - sober

- end:
spannend - exciting, intense
passend - fit
fließend - fluent, flowing
345 views12:50
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2023-02-06 12:30:07 Looking for the best ways to learn German?

Here are the top 5 tips from experienced German learners:

Watch German movies and TV shows without subtitles – it's a great way to practice listening and expand your vocab.

Practice with a native speaker – grab a friend or find an online language learning buddy.

Listen to German music – singing along will help you to memorize the words and phraseology.

Learn the most common words first – it's logically to learn the most popular German words first as it will help you build your base.

Test yourself with fun language exercises – use fun and interesting language learning activities such as video quizzes and interactive vocabulary games.

This is just the beginning – the sky's the limit when it comes to the creative ways you can use to learn German! Give it a try and let me know how it goes!
1.1K views09:30
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2023-02-05 17:00:07 Impersonal pronoun "es"

You must have come across the pronoun es in sentences like “es geht um…; es regnet” and others. When is it used?

When it comes to natural phenomena:
Es regnet draussen. - It is raining outside.

In impersonal constructions in which the character is not named or unknown:
Es klopft an der Tür. - There's a knock on the door.

In stable constructions es gibt (exists / is), es geht (it is about ..., it is said), es fehlt (not enough), etc.:
Es geht um Ökologie. - It's about the environment.

When it comes to physical sensations and mood:
Es ist mir übel. - I do not feel good.

With “event” verbs:
Es hat gut geklappt. - Everything went well.
993 views14:00
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