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Learn German with Leo🦁

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Die neuesten Nachrichten 6

2023-04-24 12:57:19 Beginner Vocabulary Tips + Exclusive Offer!

Hey German learners! Are you struggling with beginner vocabulary? Worry no more! Here are three essential tips to help you learn faster:

Start with the basics: Focus on the most common and useful words, like greetings, numbers, and everyday objects.
Make it fun: Use flashcards, play games, and watch movies or videos in German to keep things interesting.
Practice, practice, practice: Repetition is key to memorizing new words. Speak, read, write, and listen to German as much as you can.

Now for the exciting news! The new A1 German Online Course is your perfect partner for mastering beginner vocabulary and reaching the A1 level. Sign up today and unlock a world of easy, fun, and interactive learning.

24-Hour Exclusive Offer: Enroll in the course within the next 24 hours, message me on Instagram, and receive a 100% discount code for my upcoming "Slangtastisches Deutsch" ebook - the ultimate German 2023 slang guide!

Don't miss this chance to boost your German skills and learn the latest slang. Click the link below to start your language journey now!

Sign up for A1 German Online Course + FREE Slangtastisches Deutsch with discount code

P.S. After enrolling in the course, don't forget to message me on Instagram to get your 100% discount code for the "Slangtastisches Deutsch" ebook!
1.8K views09:57
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2023-04-21 08:00:03 Expressing emotions in German!

Oh mein Gott! - Oh my God!

unglaublich! - unbelievable!

ach so! - I see! (exclamation of surprise, regret, etc.)

achso - oh, right (understood)

Donnerwetter! - darn it!

Schade! - too bad!

macht nichts - no big deal!

Es ist nichts dabei - there's nothing wrong with it.

Was soll das alles? - what's the meaning of all this?

Das geht zu weit - that's too much

ach, leider! - alas, unfortunately!

What's your mood like?
724 views05:00
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2023-04-19 08:27:07 How does your day begin?

How to talk about your daily routine in German?

aufwachen – wake up

aufstehen – get up

sich duschen – take a shower

sich anziehen – get dressed

sich die Zähne putzen – brush teeth

sich die Hände waschen – wash hands

essen – eat

nehmen – take

fahren – go

arbeiten – work

verlassen – leave

reinigen – clean

abholen – pick up

kochen – cook

beobachten – watch

tun – do

lesen – read

trainieren – exercise

schlafen – sleep

Practice task: Craft a narrative about your daily activities using these expressions
307 views05:27
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2023-04-18 08:00:03 Wie geht's? - How are you?

Here are 20 unique responses (ranked by positivity):

Beaming Positivity (++)

überragend - outstanding

traumhaft - dreamy

blendend - dazzling

grandios - grand

phänomenal - phenomenal

Light Positivity (+)

recht gut - quite good

erfreulich - delightful

entspannt - relaxed

angenehm - pleasant

Neutral (+/-)

durchschnittlich - average

halb und halb - half and half

befriedigend - satisfactory

nicht übel - not bad

ganz normal - just normal

Mild Negativity (-)

etwas schlecht - somewhat bad

unwohl - unwell

bedrückt - depressed

Strong Negativity (--)

kümmerlich - wretched

tragisch - tragic

niedergeschlagen - downcast

hoffnungslos - hopeless

verzweifelt - desperate

How are things going for you?
157 views05:00
Öffnen / Wie
2023-04-16 11:00:02 Why is talking on the phone in a foreign language, such as German, particularly challenging?

Firstly, we can't see our conversation partner, their gestures, and emotions, which often help us guess the meaning of what's being said (and our own gestures also lose meaning).

Secondly, despite the advancement of technology in recent years, telephone communication is prone to interference, making it even more challenging to understand native speakers' rapid speech.

So, what should you do if you need to make a phone call in German but are anxious?

The most important thing is to stay calm.
Let's start with some vital phrases that will help you understand your conversation partner:

Kannst du/Können Sie bitte etwas langsamer sprechen? - Can you please speak a bit slower?

Entschuldigung, ich habe das nicht richtig verstanden - Excuse me, I didn't understand that correctly.

Könntest du/Könnten Sie das bitte noch einmal sagen? - Could you please say that again?

Die Verbindung ist ziemlich schlecht - The connection is quite poor.

Next, let's look at some unique phrases and examples to help you navigate a phone conversation in German more effectively:

Hallo! Mein Name ist Max - Hello! My name is Max.

Max Müller, guten Tag! - Good day, this is Max Müller!

Könnten Sie mich bitte mit Frau Schmidt verbinden? - Could you please connect me with Mrs. Schmidt?

Ich rufe an, weil ich mich für den Kurs anmelden möchte - I'm calling to sign up for the course.

Entschuldigung, wer ist am Apparat? - Excuse me, who's speaking?

Bitte warten Sie einen Moment - Please wait a moment.

Können wir später telefonieren? - Can we talk later?

Ich rufe später noch einmal an - I'll call again later.

die Leitung ist dauernd besetzt - The line is constantly busy.

eine Nachricht per SMS/WhatsApp schicken - Send a message via SMS/WhatsApp.

um Rückruf bitten - Ask for a callback.

Was ist deine/Ihre Handynummer? - What's your mobile number?

Meine Handynummer lautet ... - My mobile number is ...

Entschuldigung, ich habe die falsche Nummer gewählt - Sorry, I dialed the wrong number.

Wissen Sie, wann sie zurückkommt? - Do you know when she'll be back?

Kann ich eine Nachricht für sie hinterlassen? - Can I leave a message for her?

Danke für das nette Gespräch! - Thanks for the nice conversation!

Bis bald am Telefon! - Talk to you soon!

What unique or memorable experiences have you had while speaking on the phone in German?
110 views08:00
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2023-04-13 11:00:03 Flirting in German

In Germany, people rarely give casual compliments, making it even more pleasant to receive them. Get ready:

You look good — Sie sehen gut aus

You are charming — Sie sind bezaubernd

More informal compliments:

I like you — Du gefällst mir

Your hairstyle looks fantastic on you! — Deine Frisur steht dir fantastisch!

You have an amazing sense of color and style! — Du hast ein tolles Gespür für Farben und Stil!

From this point, you can talk about serious feelings:

You mean a lot to me — Du bedeutest mir viel

You are important to me — Du bist mir wichtig

I can't live without you — Ich kann ohne dich nicht

You are everything to me — Für mich bist du alles

All my thoughts revolve around you — Alle meine Gedanken drehen sich um dich

I've fallen in love with you — Ich habe mich in dich verliebt

I'm crazy about you — Ich bin verrückt nach dir

The most classic declaration of love is:

I love you — Ich liebe dich

Remember that German adjectives are used as adverbs. You can use them to evaluate skills:

You speak German very well — Du sprichst sehr gut Deutsch

You dance excellently — Du tanzt ausgezeichnet

You play the guitar superbly — Du spielst hervorragend Gitarre

Germans appreciate compliments related to their professional activities:

You are an outstanding musician — Sie sind ein hervorragender Musiker

You can give compliments related to the relatives and close friends of your interlocutor:

You have a cute child — Sie haben ein süßes Kind

Your wife is charming — Ihre Frau ist bezaubernd

Responding to compliments graciously is very effective:

I love to hear that! — Das hört man gern!

It's easy to return a compliment. Remember what your conversation partner says and repeat their words, adding the word auch (too):

You look good too — Sie sehen auch gut aus

You also have a cute child — Sie haben auch ein süßes Kind

Or say:

The same can be said about you — Das Gleiche kann man von Ihnen sagen

The same applies to you — Das trifft auf Sie genauso zu

Before an invitation, it is common to check the situation:

Are you free tonight? — Hast du heute Abend Zeit?

Do you already have plans for tonight? — Hast du heute Abend schon etwas vor?

Do you have a steady boyfriend? — Hast du einen festen Freund?

Compliments are often followed by proposals:

Will we see each other tomorrow evening? — Sehen wir uns morgen Abend?

Let's go dancing! — Gehen wir tanzen!

I suggest we go to the movies — Ich schlage vor, wir gehen ins Kino

May I invite you to dinner tonight? — Darf ich Sie/dich heute Abend zum Essen einladen?

Do you want to go out with me? — Willst du mit mir ausgehen?

How to accept an invitation:

Thank you, I'd love to come — Vielen Dank, ich komme gerne

Very gladly — Sehr gern

With pleasure! — Mit Vergnügen!

How to decline an invitation:

Unfortunately, I can't — Ich kann leider nicht

Maybe next time — Vielleicht das nächste Mal

I don't have time — Ich habe keine Zeit

I'm busy — Ich bin beschäftigt

I'm not in the mood for that — Dazu habe ich keine Lust

I have a lot to do — Ich habe viel zu tun

In conclusion, flirting in German can be a fun and enjoyable experience. With these phrases and compliments, you'll be able to express your feelings and emotions effectively. Remember, the key to a successful flirtation is to be genuine and attentive to your conversation partner. Don't forget to practice your pronunciation and use these phrases with confidence. So, go ahead and impress your German-speaking crush or simply make someone's day with a lovely compliment. Viel Glück und viel Spaß beim Flirten! (Good luck and have fun flirting!)
1.5K views08:00
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2023-04-11 11:00:03 10 Essential German Spelling Rules

ss — ß: After a short vowel, ss follows: Kuss, Fluss, dass. After a long vowel or diphthong, ß follows if there is no consonant in the word stem: Fuß, genießen, außer, groß.

After a short stressed vowel, the consonant is doubled: betteln, Himmel, nennen.

Separate words are formed with sein: krank sein, combinations of "verb" + "participle": gefallen haben, entspannt arbeiten, "verb" + "noun": Auto fahren, Pause machen, Kaffee trinken (but: kennenlernen, übernachten, mitmachen), "verb" + "adjective": schnell laufen.

Nouns and all nominalized parts of speech start with a capital letter: Freiheit, Ratschlag, das Lesen, im Englischen, Italienische Pasta ...

Dates are written:

After vorgestern, gestern, heute, morgen, übermorgen, the time of day is capitalized (heute Morgen, morgen Nachmittag)Days of the week and times of day are written as one word (Donnerstagmorgen, Freitagnacht)Times of day ending in -s are lowercase (abends, montags, sonntagabends)

When combining words, all letters are written without abbreviation: Stoffwechsel, Flussbett.

In letters, du, dir, dein, eure are written in lowercase.

All foreign words with fon/fot/graf are written with f, not ph: Telefon, Fotografie.

A comma is not used before "und" and "oder". A comma is used before an infinitive group or clause only in rare cases when it affects the meaning of the sentence: Er hat genug Geld(,) um in Urlaub zu fahren.

Words are divided by syllables: Schmet-ter-ling, Mu-sik-er, Ent-schei-dung. Ck and ch are not separated when dividing.
755 views08:00
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2023-04-07 11:00:03 Nehmen and its prefixes

The verb nehmen means "to take," "to grab," or "to seize." It has other meanings as well, but we'll focus on the most common ones. Let's explore some prefixes that can be used with this verb:

annehmen - to accept, to take on, to adopt
"Er hat die Einladung zum Abendessen angenommen." "He accepted the dinner invitation."

sich benehmen - to behave
"Kinder müssen lernen, sich in der Öffentlichkeit richtig zu benehmen." "Children need to learn how to behave properly in public."

einnehmen - to take, to receive, to occupy (a place; also in the sense of "to capture")
"Sie nahm den letzten freien Stuhl ein." "She took the last available chair."

festnehmen - to detain, to arrest
"Die Polizei hat den Verdächtigen festgenommen." "The police arrested the suspect."

vornehmen - to undertake, to initiate, to make (changes)
"Wir planen, einige Verbesserungen am Projekt vorzunehmen." "We plan to make some improvements to the project."

Mastering nehmen and its various prefixes will significantly enhance your German vocabulary. Incorporate these verbs into your language learning journey to achieve fluency. Regular practice and immersion in the language are essential for success!
77 views08:00
Öffnen / Wie
2023-04-05 08:36:43 Difference between mögen and möchte

Two verbs, mögen and möchte, often cause confusion at the beginning stages of learning the language. Let's explore their differences.

From a grammatical standpoint, mögen and möchte are related. Möchte is the subjunctive form of the verb mögen. However, as we'll see, their meanings differ.

The verb mögen expresses meanings such as "to like/dislike doing something," "to refuse to do something/not in the mood to do something," "to love" for inanimate objects, and "to like" for animate objects.

It often appears as the only verb in a sentence and conjugates following the modal verb pattern, for example:

"Julia mag kein Obst, sie bevorzugt Gemüse." - "Julia doesn't like fruit; she prefers vegetables." "Wir mögen ins Kino gehen." - "We like going to the movies." "Ich mag Schokolade." - "I love chocolate." "Thomas mag nicht über Politik reden." - "Thomas doesn't want to talk about politics." "Ich mag dich." - "I like you."

The verb möchte is one of the six modal verbs and expresses a desire or a polite request, for example:

"Ich möchte einen Kaffee." - "I would like a coffee." "Meine Schwester möchte ein Jahr im Ausland leben." - "My sister would like to live abroad for a year."

By understanding the differences between these two German verbs, you'll be better equipped to grasp the language. Mögen is used for expressing likes, dislikes, and preferences, while möchte is employed for polite requests or desires.

Incorporate these verbs into your German language learning journey to achieve fluency. Regular practice and immersion in the language are essential for success!
1.3K views05:36
Öffnen / Wie
2023-04-04 11:00:04 Difference between lernen, lehren, unterrichten, and studieren

lernen — to learn
"Wir lernen täglich neue Dinge, sowohl in der Schule als auch im Leben." translates to "We learn new things every day, both in school and in life."
"Ich möchte gerne Französisch und Chinesisch lernen." means "I would like to learn French and Chinese."

lehren — to teach (as in impart knowledge)
"In renommierten Universitäten sind die Hauptaufgaben der Professoren lehren und forschen." can be translated as "At prestigious universities, the main tasks of professors are teaching and research."

unterrichten — to teach (as in giving lessons)
"Lehrer unterrichten oft mehrere Fächer in der Schule." means "Teachers often teach multiple subjects in school."

studieren — to study, attend university
"Ich plane, nach der Schule an der Universität Heidelberg zu studieren." translates to "I plan to study at the University of Heidelberg after school."
"Um einen passenden Studienplan zu erstellen, muss ich das Kursangebot sorgfältig studieren." means "In order to create a suitable study plan, I have to carefully study the course offerings."

By understanding the differences between these four German verbs, you'll be better equipped to master the language. As illustrated, lernen is used for learning a subject or skill, while lehren and unterrichten both pertain to teaching, but with slightly different meanings. Finally, studieren refers to studying within a university context.

Make sure to include these verbs in your German language learning journey and practice regularly to achieve fluency. Immersing yourself in the language is also key to success!
942 views08:00
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