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Learn German with Leo🦁

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2023-05-11 08:00:03 Colors in German

Knowing colors is essential for communication in German: without it, you can't describe the color of the sky, your favorite color, or the colors you like to wear. So, here's a short list of basic colors for you.

beige – beige
blau – blue
braun – brown
bunt - multicolored, colorful
dunkel – dark
farbig – colored
flieder – lilac
gelb – yellow
golden – golden
grau – gray
grün – green
hell – light
hellblau – light blue
lila – purple
orange – orange
rosa – pink
rot – red
schwarz – black
schwarz-weiß – black and white
silbern – silver
türkis – turquoise
verschiedenfarbig – multicolored
violett – violet
weiß – white

By adding "hell" (light) at the beginning of a word, you get light-colored hues. They are always written as one word, for example: hellblau – light blue

The same applies to "dunkel" (dark) at the beginning of a word, which turns the color into a darker shade: dunkelblau - dark blue

Der Himmel ist blau. Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist schwarz.
The sky is blue. My favorite color is black.

Bonus: Top 3 idioms with colors!

Er ist Blau
Meaning: he is drunk
Literal translation: he is blue

Da kannst du warten bist du schwarz wirst
Meaning: to wait for a pig in a poke
Literal translation: don't wait, or you'll turn black

Durch die rosa Brille schauen
Meaning: to look through rose-colored glasses
Literal translation: look through pink glasses
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2023-05-09 08:00:04 Getting acquainted with German youth slang

German progressive youth actively use slang: sometimes they are rude expressions and unclear abbreviations, sometimes very interesting borrowings and unusual derivatives from other words. Let's get to know them better!

Slang words

Mensch!/Ach Mensch! — Oh, come on! What's going on!

Krass! — Crazy!

geil/ cool/ super — cool

Doof! — Silly! / Dumb!

Ne / nö (from nein) — Nope! / No!

Siehste!? (=siehst du?) — See what I mean!?

das Selfie — selfie

Hallöchen! — Hi there!

Hau ab! — Get lost!

Hä / hö? — What? (surprise)

Alter! — Dude! / Buddy! (addressing)

Cao! — Bye!

Gönn dir! — Go all out!

der Bierzeps (=Bier+ Bizeps) — beer biceps (beer "belly")

Slang verbs

gammeln — to idle

glubschen — to stare

googeln — search the internet

kriegen — to get

haten (from English hate) — to hate

jabbern — go, ride / steal

chatten — chat

kreativen — invent, "create"

lenzen — relax, unwind

möpen — worry

pаnіeren — defeat, win over someone
pilgern — stroll

rallen — understand

kickern — play table football

copypasten — copy, copy-paste

daddeln — play computer

dissen — annoy, provoke

durch sein — be out of it

durchsumpfen — party all night

eskalieren — party hard

Slang phrases and expressions

So ein Mist! — Darn!

Das ist abgefahren! — That's insane!

dumm wie Brot sein — be as dumb as a post

Das passt schon! — It'll do!

Her damit! — Hand it over!

Komm mal klar! — Calm down!

Was laberst du da? — What nonsense are you talking about?

Don't be surprised that you will have to replenish your stock of slang words and expressions every year, because young people are constantly inventing something, and new realities are emerging in the world.

Do you often use slang?

And to help you master the latest German slang of 2023, we have prepared an exclusive ebook, "Slangtastisches Deutsch 2023," just for you! If you want to master these slang expressions and sound like a native, check out our Slangtastisches Deutsch ebook! Packed with up-to-date slang, including 2023 trends, and featuring examples from YouTube, Twitter, and music, this is the ultimate guide for learners of all levels. Don't miss out!

Only in the next 24 hours, use coupon code "10off"!

Grab your copy here
1.4K views05:00
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2023-05-08 08:00:03 Let's brighten up someone's day!
Giving compliments and expressing our feelings with a personal touch:

Sie haben ein ansteckendes Lächeln - Your smile is contagious

Deine Augen funkeln wie Sterne - Your eyes sparkle like stars

Du bringst immer gute Laune - You always bring good vibes

Du bist ein großartiger Zuhörer - You're a great listener

Deine Kreativität ist beeindruckend - Your creativity is impressive

Deine Energie ist ansteckend - Your energy is infectious

Du bist ein echter Sonnenschein - You are a real ray of sunshine

Deine Freundlichkeit erwärmt das Herz - Your kindness warms the heart

Du bist mein Fels in der Brandung - You are my rock in the storm

Deine Stimme ist wie Musik in meinen Ohren - Your voice is like music to my ears

Du bist der Grund für mein Lächeln - You are the reason for my smile

Deine Ausstrahlung ist unwiderstehlich - Your charisma is irresistible

Du bist mein Seelenverwandter - You are my soulmate

Deine Güte ist bewundernswert - Your kindness is admirable

Du bist ein wunderbarer Mensch - You are a wonderful person

Remember, a heartfelt compliment can make someone's day brighter!
1.7K views05:00
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2023-05-06 12:18:12 Fun weekend vocabulary: Easy German antonyms!

fleißig (hardworking) - faul (lazy)

schnell (fast) - langsam (slow)

teuer (expensive) - billig (cheap)

hoch (high) - niedrig (low)

sauber (clean) - schmutzig (dirty)

geizig (stingy) - freigebig (generous)

klug (smart) - dumm (stupid)

lustig (funny) - traurig (sad)

hungrig (hungry) - satt (full)

dick (thick) - dünn (thin)

laut (loud) - leise (quiet)

alt (old) - jung (young), neu (new)

voll (full) - leer (empty)

klein (small) - groß (large)

reich (rich) - arm (poor)

leicht (light) - schwer (heavy)

fett (fat) - mager (lean)

hart (hard) - weich (soft)

lang (long) - kurz (short)

eng (narrow) - breit (wide)

stark (strong) - schwach (weak)

hell (bright) - dunkel (dark)

trocken (dry) - nass (wet)

tief (deep) - flach (shallow)

gerade (straight) - krumm (crooked)

To better remember these words, create a phrase or sentence with each of them! Good luck!
2.2K views09:18
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2023-05-05 08:32:35 Expressing admiration in German - with added flair!

Fantastisch! - Fantastic! Wonderful!

Genial! Spitze! - Brilliant! Top-notch!

Hervorragend! - Outstanding! Magnificent!

Beeindruckend! - Impressive!

Das gefällt mir sehr! - I really like that!

Das wäre wunderbar, ausgezeichnet, herrlich! - That would be wonderful, excellent, delightful!

Das wäre sensationell, großartig, fabelhaft! - That would be sensational, great, fabulous!

Ich bin hin und weg! Mir fehlen die Worte! - I'm blown away! I'm at a loss for words!

Das ist offensichtlich! - That's obvious!

Das passt mir perfekt! - That suits me perfectly!

Das ist einfach umwerfend! - That's simply stunning!

Elevate your German even further by mastering the freshest slang words of 2023 with the "Slangtastisches German" eBook! Impress your friends and sound like a native speaker in no time.

Don't miss this opportunity! Click here to get your copy of "Slangtastisches German" now and transform your German speaking skills!
2.7K views05:32
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2023-04-29 13:46:04 Phrases for expressing surprise or disbelief in German - with a twist!

Here is another set of useful expressions, featuring some unique examples, that will surely come in handy in everyday life!

Basic phrases for everyone:

Bist du sicher? – Are you sure?

Wie bitte?! – Pardon?!

So ein Zufall! – What a coincidence!

Das gibt's doch nicht! – I can't believe it!

Du scherzt! – You're kidding!

Das ist der Hammer! – That's amazing!

Expressing doubt and curiosity:

Kann das wirklich sein? – Can that really be?

Glaubst du, dass das funktioniert? – Do you think it'll work?

Was hältst du davon? – What do you think about it?

Ist das dein Ernst? – Are you for real?

Wie ist das möglich? – How is that possible?

Indecision and playing it cool:

Macht nichts – No big deal

Lass uns sehen, wie es läuft – Let's see how it goes

Schaun wir mal – Let's wait and see

Mir ist das Wurst – I couldn't care less

Egal – Whatever

Take your German to the next level with "Slangtastisches German" eBook! Master the freshest slang words of 2023 and impress your friends with your newly acquired knowledge! Upgrade your conversational skills and sound like a native speaker in no time.

Don't miss out! Click here to get your copy of "Slangtastisches German" now and start speaking like a true German!
1.4K views10:46
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2023-04-28 11:30:24 Heinrich Schliemann and His Innovative Language Learning Techniques

Heinrich Schliemann, a renowned archaeologist and polyglot, was proficient in 14 languages and possessed reading knowledge in several others. While he admitted that his pursuit of ancient Greek was driven by a genuine passion for archaeology and uncovering the mysteries of Troy, he primarily learned the other languages to excel in his business ventures.

Schliemann's first foreign languages were Dutch and English. In his autobiographical book, "The Adventures of My Life," he outlined the unique methods he employed while learning these languages:

"My straightforward approach involved reading extensively aloud without translating, dedicating an hour each day to practice, writing texts on subjects that intrigued me, memorizing them, and then reciting them aloud. To quickly develop good pronunciation, I attended Anglican church services on Sundays, silently repeating each word of the sermon to myself."

By employing these techniques, Schliemann was able to acquire a solid foundation in English and Dutch within six months. He then promptly switched to studying French, which he mastered with relative ease using the same approach.

Although Schliemann's memoirs contain some inconsistencies, the main principles of his language learning method can be distilled into the following steps:

Start with reading parallel texts, enabling immersion in authentic language without constant reliance on dictionaries.

Once a text is understood, commit a selected passage to memory.

Write a brief composition on a topic of interest, incorporating the newly learned words and expressions to reinforce them in the memory. Submit this composition to a native speaker for review (in Schliemann's case, Dutch sailors). Memorize the corrected text and recite it to a language teacher for pronunciation feedback.

Attend events where the target language is spoken, such as sermons, to enhance listening comprehension and fine-tune pronunciation.

What language learning methods have you found to be most effective in your own studies?
1.1K views08:30
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2023-04-27 08:00:03 Vocabulary: A trip to the cinema

Today, let's dive into the vocabulary you might need when planning a movie outing and enhance it with some examples!

ins Kino gehen - going to the cinema

Ich gehe heute Abend ins Kino. (I'm going to the cinema tonight.)
der Kinobesuch, -e - going to the cinema

Unser Kinobesuch war großartig! (Our cinema visit was great!)
In German, "das Filmtheater" refers to a cinema, but more often, you'll hear:

In welches Kino möchtest du/möchten Sie gehen? (Which cinema would you like to go to?)
Explore different film genres:

Lass uns einen Actionfilm auswählen. (Let's pick an action film.)
Kinokarte kaufen / Tickets kaufen - buy tickets

Kannst du die Kinokarten online kaufen? (Can you buy the cinema tickets online?)
der Platz / der Sitzplatz - seat

Ich bevorzuge Plätze in der Mitte. (I prefer seats in the middle.)
Snacks und Getränke mitbringen / mitnehmen - bring snacks and drinks

Vergiss nicht, Snacks und Getränke mitzubringen. (Don't forget to bring snacks and drinks.)
Boost your German even further with our eBook: "10 Essential Slang Words You Have to Know!" Packed with conversational slang and expressions, this eBook will help you sound more like a native speaker. Click the link below to get your copy and start impressing your German-speaking friends today!

Link to eBook
1.6K views05:00
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2023-04-26 08:00:03 Discover the Power of German Slang with "Slangtastisches Deutsch"

Hey language enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your German skills to the next level? Our ebook, "Slangtastisches Deutsch," is packed with German slang that will help you sound like a native speaker in no time!

German Slang Challenge
Can you guess the meaning of these popular German slang words?

"Bock haben"

Interesting Fact
Did you know that German slang is constantly evolving and varies across different regions? Mastering slang is key to understanding everyday conversations and truly immersing yourself in German culture.

Why "Slangtastisches Deutsch"?
— Learn over 250 slang words and phrases
— Improve your listening and speaking skills
— Engage in authentic conversations with native speakers
— Enhance your cultural understanding

Ready to dive in? Click the link below to grab your copy of "Slangtastisches Deutsch" and start mastering German slang today!

Get Your Copy of "Slangtastisches Deutsch" Here

P.S. Stay tuned for the answers to our German Slang Challenge in our next post!
737 views05:00
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2023-04-25 08:00:02 Hey, German language enthusiasts!

Are you looking for a fun and effective way to spice up your German vocabulary with some cool slang? Look no further! We've got the ultimate resource for you: "Slangtastisches Deutsch"!

This amazing ebook is packed with:
The most popular and up-to-date German slang words and expressions
Easy-to-understand explanations and examples
Tips on using slang in everyday conversations like a native speaker

And the best part? It's perfect for all levels, from beginners to advanced learners!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to sound more natural and confident in your German conversations.

Click the link below to grab your copy of "Slangtastisches Deutsch" now and start impressing your German-speaking friends!

Get the ebook

Happy learning, and stay slangtastic!
1.5K views05:00
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