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Learn German with Leo🦁

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2023-02-04 10:00:12 Kaufen, einkaufen and others

Today we will look at some verbs with kaufen and see what is the difference between them.

Most likely you know the meaning of the main verb - kaufen (to buy). The antonym of this verb is verkaufen (to sell).

The difference between the verbs kaufen and einkaufen is somewhat more difficult to explain. Both translate as "buy", but one thing to keep in mind is the verb einkaufen. It is used to refer to purchases in general. For example, if you want to say that you went shopping, it's better to do it like this:
Ich gehe einkaufen - I go shopping.
If you want to indicate what you bought, then use kaufen:
Ich habe das Buch gestern gekauft - I bought the book yesterday.

The verb kaufen has other analogues with prefixes, for example:
nachkaufen - to buy more
loskaufen - redeem (make a deposit)
zukaufen - to buy additionally

Did you know about these verbs?
159 views07:00
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2023-02-01 18:13:01 ​​ Shrek

Today we will watch the cartoon "Shrek". Or rather, the very beginning, when no one knew how cheerful and kind our beloved hero Shrek would turn out to be! Don't know what to do on the weekend? – watch all parts of Shrek in German!

(DE) Mann 1: Der ist bestimmt da drin.
(EN) He must be in there.

(DE) Mann 2: Also los, holen wir den Oger.
(EN) Let's go then, let's take that ogre.

(DE) Mann 3: Warte noch! Weißt du was das Ungeheuer mit dir macht!
(EN) Wait! Do you know what this monster will do to you!

(DE) Mann 1: Ja, wird deine Knochen zermahlen für sein Brot.
(EN) Yes, he will grind your bones for his bread.

(DE) Shrek: Ihr sprecht wohl von einem Riesen, aber Oger! Die sind viel schrecklicher, die machen sich ein Anzug aus euer frisch abgezogen Haupt, sie raspeln eure Glieder, quatschen das Gelee aus euren Augen. Auf toast schmeckt das sehr sehr lecker!
(EN) You are probably talking about a giant, an ogre giant! They are much scarier
they make a costume for themselves out of your freshly removed head, they rub your limbs, squeeze the jelly out of your eyes. It's absolutely delicious on toast!

(DE) Mann 2: Zurück zurück, dummes Tier. Ich warne dich!
(EN) Back off, back off, stupid animal. I'm warning you now!

(Shrek löscht die Fackel)

(DE) Mann 2: Alles klar.
(EN) Everything is clear.

(Shrek schreit)

(DE) Shrek: Das ist der Moment, in dem ihr weg laufen müsst. Und haltet euch fern!
(EN) This was the moment where you have to run away. And stay away!

Have you watched Shrek?
1.3K views15:13
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2023-01-30 17:00:07 ​​ Let's work on pronunciation? German tongue twisters

1. Blase blubbernd in Seifenbruhe — bilde bunte Seifenblasen!

2. Brauchbare Bierbrauerburschen brauen brausendes Braunbier.

3. Wenn der Benz bremst, brennt das Benz-Bremmslicht.

4. Plättbrett bleibt Plättbrett.

5. Die Bürsten mit schwarzen Borsten bürsten besser, als die Bürsten mit schwarzen Borsten.

6. Bürsten mit harten Borsten bürsten besonders sauber.

7. Weiße Borsten bürsten besser als schwarze Borsten bursten.

8. Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut und Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid. Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid und Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut.

9. Wenn der Benz bremst, brennt das Benz-Bremmslicht.

10. Auch freche Fechter fechten mitternachts nicht.

11. Peter pappt das Pappplakat, das Pappplakat pappt Peter.

12. Wachs wächst nicht auf Wachsbäumen.

13. Kasperle kaspert kindisch in kleinen Kastenkapseln.

14. Warmes Wasser wäscht wollende Wäsche wachs weiß, wenn wachsende Wärme Wasser waschwarm werden lässt.

15. Kleine Kinder können keine Kirschkerne knacken.

16. Zwischen zwei Zwetschgenbäumen zwitschern zwei Schwalben.

17. Brautkleid, bleibt Brautkleid. Blaukohl, bleibt Blaukohl.

18. Esel fressen Nesseln nicht- Nesseln fressen Esel nicht.

19. Frau von Hagen,
darf ich’s wagen Sie zu fragen,
wieviel Kragen Sie getragen,
als sie lagen krank am Magen,
im Spital zu Kopenhagen?

20. Was Esel gern afu Wege legen,
fegen Kehrer weg mit Besen.
Feger kehren weg mit Besen,
was Esel gern auf Wege legen.

So how did it go?
1.6K views14:00
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2023-01-28 15:00:06 German Slang: A Guide to Understanding Informal German

German is a complex language with many different dialects and regional variations. One aspect of the language that can be particularly challenging for learners is German slang. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, understanding German slang can help you sound more natural and confident when speaking.

German slang, or "Umgangssprache," is the informal, everyday language used by native speakers. It's often characterized by shortened words, colloquial expressions, and regional variations. For example, in Berlin, "geil" (which means "cool" or "awesome") is commonly used, while in the south of Germany "krass" is more popular.

Learning German slang is not only important to communicate with native speakers, but also to understand popular culture, movies, music, comedy and social media.

One way to improve your understanding of German slang is by immersing yourself in German-language media, such as TV shows, movies, and music. This can help you pick up on common expressions and learn how they're used in context.

Another great way to learn German slang is by studying with an experienced tutor or taking a course specifically focused on German slang.

We have put together an ebook that can teach you more German slang with real life examples, making it easier for you to understand and use in your everyday conversations. It's available in the All-in-one pack and it's a great resource for anyone looking to improve their German slang.

As a bonus, you will receive several ebooks on improving your grammar, as well as two online courses for you to learn German by watching cartoons.
2.3K views12:00
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2023-01-27 08:00:05 Useful phrases and expressions with the word "gut"

Important: in German, the word “gut” can be either an adjective or an adverb.

eine gute Idee - a good idea

gute Arbeit - good job

ein guter Mensch - a good person

ein gutes Herz haben - to have a good heart

so gut wie nie - so good as never

also gut - well okay

mach’s gut - take care (do it good)

schon gut - ah, nothing much (it's good now)

möglichst gut - the best you can

er ist in seiner Art gut - he is good in his own way

gute Augen haben - to have good eyes

eine gute Angelegenheit - a good opportunity

das hört sich gut an - that sounds good

es trifft sich gut - it fits good

alles wird gut - everything will be fine

gut - besser - am besten - good - better - the best

gut eingerichtet - well-appointed

gut gemacht - well done

gut beraten - well advised

Ende gut, alles gut - all is well that ends well
2.6K views05:00
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2023-01-25 10:00:09 (DE) Marge: Wer kann denn das sein?
(EN) Who could it be?

(DE) Kinder: Hallo, Missis Bart, ist Ihr Pool schon fertig?
(EN) Hi Mrs Bart, is your pool ready yet?

(DE) Marge: Argh… Bart, sind denn all diese Kinder die Freunde von dir?
(EN) Grrr… Bart, are all these kids your friends?

(DE) Bart: Ja, Mam. Freunde und Schleimer.
(EN) Yes, Mom. Friends and suckers.

(DE) Die Kinder begrüßen ein fremdes Kind: Hey, Bart! Hallo, Bart, alter Freund. Hallo, Misses Cunningham!
(EN) Children greet an unfamiliar child: Hello, Bart! Hey Bart, old friend! Hi Mrs Cunningham!

(DE) Bart: Leute, jetzt ist die Zeit, wenn wir über die Sicherheitsbestimmungen im Pool sprechen.
(EN) Folks, it's time to talk about pool safety rules.

(DE) Kinder: Spring, Bart, spring! Spring, Bart, spring!
(EN) Jump, Bart, jump! Jump, Bart, jump!

(DE) Bart: Gebunden, mache ich!
(EN) Agreed, I'll do it!

(DE) Nelson: Hey, Bart, sieh mal! Dein Epidermis guckt raus!
(EN) Hey Bart, look, you can see the epidermis!

(DE) Bart: Tatschlich?
(EN) Really?

(DE) Nelson: Mit Epidermis meint man eigentlich die Haare! Also rein technisch gesehen stimmt das. Und das ist im Grunde der Witz daran. Entschuldige mich einen Moment! Ha-ha!
(EN) Epidermis means hair. So technically it's true. And that's the whole point. Wait a minute! Haha.

(DE) Milhouse: Hey, Nelson, er ist wirklich verletzt! Ich glaube, er hat sich das Bein gebrochen.
(EN) Hey Nelson, he's hurt a lot! I think he broke his leg.

(DE) Nelson: Ich habe doch gesagt: Ha-ha!
(EN) I said: Ha-ha!
3.2K views07:00
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2023-01-24 17:00:06
Die Simpsons

Try to understand what it is about, and I will publish subtitles later
3.0K views14:00
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2023-01-22 10:00:13 Useful phrases for everyday communication!

Read, memorize, practice in speech!

Ich habe kein(en) Bock darauf! - I don't feel like it! / I'm not in the mood for it!

Das ist echt Spitze! - That's super!

Gott sei Dank! - Thank God!

Es ist mir Wurst/egal. - It's all the same to me.

Wann treffen wir uns? - When are we meeting?

Was sagen Sie dazu? - What do you say?

Das macht aber nichts! - But it doesn't matter!

Es tut mir Leid. - I'm sorry.

Wie schade! - What a shame!

Leider nicht. - Unfortunately not.

Alles Gute! - All the best!

Schämen Sie sich! - Shame on you!

Was ist los? - What's going on?

Lassen Sie mich in Ruhe. - Leave me alone.

Kennen wir uns nicht? - Don't we know each other?

Einen Augenblick bitte. - One moment please.

Meine besten Glückwünsche. - My best wishes.

Fahren Sie so schnell Sie können. - Come as fast as you can.

Kein Problem. - No problem.

Was du nicht sagst! - You don't say!

Das ist ja eine Überraschung! - That's a surprise!

Kommt nicht in Frage! - Absolutely not!

Hast du etwas dagegen? - Do you have anything against?

Ich habe nichts dagegen. - I have nothing against.

Ich drück dir die Daumen! - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Viel Spaß! - Have fun!

Improve your German skills with the All-in-one pack. Suitable for those who want a non-classroom approach to learning German. Get yours today and take your German to the next level!
3.8K views07:00
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2023-01-20 13:32:17 Irregular verbs: remember these differences!

Simple verb
legen | legte, gelegt | - put

Irregular verb
liegen | lag, gelegen | - lie

Simple verb
stellen | stellte, gestellt | - put

Irregular verb
stehen | stand, gestanden | - to stand

Simple verb
setzen | setzte, gesetzt | - to seat, to put

Irregular verb
sitzen | saß, gesessen | - sit

The whole table of German verbs can be found by clicking the button below!
209 views10:32
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2023-01-18 16:19:19 How to learn new words in German?

How to learn words correctly and most importantly: which words you need to learn first. What is the first hundred, one thousand you need to know in order to speak and understand the interlocutor?

Everything is very simple. Here is a rough study sequence:
× Learn to read
× Learn basic grammar
× Translate
× Listen
× Talk

In order for words to be well remembered, you must be able to read them!

When you read a word, you kind of write it in your head, sometimes you say it out loud too. Have you noticed that very often a word appears in front of your eyes, you see it pop up in a written form and is it enough to just to pronounce it?

If you have just started building vocabulary, then start reading texts where there is simple and easy grammar, without difficult tenses and any prepositions and their mergers with articles. (Just like my Short German Stories)

When you read, you must clearly understand why the sentence is constructed this way, you must be able to identify grammatical structures. Otherwise, your entire reading will be reduced to the constant decoding.

Read what interests you personally.

In this case, it will be completely your field of interest and reading will be enjoyable, and the foreign language itself will not be "excruciatingly painful".

All words must be from your field. These are the words that you use every day in your language (even explicit ones). The problem, however, is that it is difficult for an ordinary person to stop the endless stream of thoughts in his head and understand what words it consists of.

To simplify this task, do not be lazy and after reading this post, write a short story in your mother tongue about how you get to work or what do you do in your free time!

Firstly, you will stop thinking in all directions at once and you will be able to somehow collect all your thoughts in one place.

Secondly, you will see what phrases and words you use in your mother tongue.

Practice writing your thoughts for at least a couple of days and you will immediately notice which words you use the most. Many words in your text will be repeated and they should be learned and used in a conversation in the first place. This means that you need to start with them.

It is very useful to watch TV series in German, preferably with subtitles. When you listen and read, you have 2 channels of perception. You saw a new word - do not be lazy, look at its meaning in the dictionary and then the meaning of the whole phrase will become clear. It's even better if you create your own sentence with the new word.

The flashcard word study method is more suitable for those who need to take an exam and master the correct words for the exam. For level A1 - create your own vocabulary list. The problem is that these words are not always made for you, so it is difficult to remember, and often not used.

And in order not to grind your teeth on foreign language study, you must clearly understand for what purpose you need it.

The goal of learning any foreign language is to speak it.

And if you are still learning words but don’t speak, then you are using an ineffective method. The language must be spoken, not silent. And believe me, 2-3 thousand words are enough for normal communication. The rest will grow in the process of communicating with foreigners.
439 views13:19
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