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Talking About Summer Weather in German The beautiful season o | Learn German with Leo🦁

Talking About Summer Weather in German

The beautiful season of summer is a great time to expand your vocabulary with words and phrases related to weather! Here are some useful words and phrases you might use during a balmy German summer:

sonnig — sunny
warm — warm
trocken — dry
bewölkt — cloudy
wechselnd — changeable
klar — clear
schwül — humid
kühl — cool
der Regen — the rain
der Wolkenbruch — downpour
die Dürre — drought

For example, you might say:

Heute ist es sonnig und warm, ein perfekter Tag für ein Picknick. (Today it is sunny and warm, a perfect day for a picnic.)
Überwiegend Sonnenschein — Mostly sunny
Ein schärferer Wind weht — A sharp wind is blowing
Es regnet zum Teil kräftig — It's partly raining heavily
Es gibt viel Sonnenschein — There's a lot of sunshine
Die Temperatur bleibt bei-... Grad — The temperature stays at ... degrees
Die Wolken auflockern gebietsweise — The clouds are breaking up in places

For example, you might hear:

Es regnet zum Teil kräftig, deshalb vergessen Sie nicht, einen Regenschirm mitzunehmen. (It's partly raining heavily, so don't forget to take an umbrella.)
Whether you're planning a trip to the beach or simply want to describe the weather, these words and phrases are sure to come in handy during the summer season!