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Question Words in German was – what Example: Was machst du? | Learn German with Leo🦁

Question Words in German

was – what
Example: Was machst du? (What are you doing?)

wer – who
Example: Sie versucht nur herauszufinden, wer sie ist. (She's just trying to find out who she is.)

wo – where
Example: Wo wohnen Sie? (Where do you live?)

wohin – where to
Example: Wohin ist er gegangen? (Where did he go?)

wie – how
Example: Wie geht es dir? (How are you?)

wann – when
Example: Wann ist das geschehen? (When did it happen?)

woher – where from
Example: Woher kommst du? (Where are you from?)

wieso – why
Example: Ich erkläre, wieso wir hier sind. (I will explain why we are here.)

wie lange – how long
Example: Wer weiß, wie lange es hält. (Who knows how long it will last.)

wie viel – how much
Example: Es interessiert sie nicht, wie viel du weißt. (They don't care how much you know.)

Save and memorize these essential question words to navigate your way through any conversation in German with confidence!

Also, don't forget to check out our eBook, "10 Essential Slang Words You Have to Know!" It's a fantastic resource for learning German that's actually spoken in everyday life.