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German Slang Explorations! Let's unravel the mystery! 'Wie | Learn German with Leo🦁

German Slang Explorations! Let's unravel the mystery!

"Wie meinst du das?" - translates as "What do you mean by that?"
"Ich brenne darauf!" - expresses "I'm really looking forward to this!"
"Ich habe keinen Bock drauf!" - implies "I don't feel like it!"
"Das ist echt Spitze!" - conveys "That's awesome!"
"Gott sei Dank!" - says "Thank God!"
"Es ist mir wurst" - means "I don't care."
"Wann treffen wir uns?" - asks "When shall we meet?"
"Was sagen Sie dazu?" - queries "What do you say to that?"
"Das macht aber nichts!" - reassures "But that's not a problem!"
"Es tut mir Leid." - apologizes "I'm really sorry."
"Wie schade!" - laments "What a pity!"
"Leider nicht." - declines "Unfortunately not."
"Alles Gute!" - wishes "All the best!"

And some more...
"eine Rеde halten" - denotes "to deliver a speech"
"im Handumdrehen" - symbolizes "in an instant"
"von Hand zu Hand" - represents "from hand to hand"
"Tag für Tag" - describes "day by day"
"wie steht es mit... ?" - wonders "how is it with...?"
"den Kopf schütteln" - gestures "shake the head"
"zur Abwechselung" - suggests "for a change"

Isn't it exciting to discover these phrases? This is only the tip of the iceberg, my friends. To truly speak German like a local, you need more than textbook phrases.

That's where our Slangtastisches Deutsch ebook comes into play! It's your all-access pass to the hottest German slang of 2023, explained clearly, with engaging content and real-life examples from YouTube, Twitter, and music.

Click here to get your copy click here. Let's make your German vibrant and lively together!