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Fun weekend vocabulary: Easy German antonyms! fleißig (hardwo | Learn German with Leo🦁

Fun weekend vocabulary: Easy German antonyms!

fleißig (hardworking) - faul (lazy)

schnell (fast) - langsam (slow)

teuer (expensive) - billig (cheap)

hoch (high) - niedrig (low)

sauber (clean) - schmutzig (dirty)

geizig (stingy) - freigebig (generous)

klug (smart) - dumm (stupid)

lustig (funny) - traurig (sad)

hungrig (hungry) - satt (full)

dick (thick) - dünn (thin)

laut (loud) - leise (quiet)

alt (old) - jung (young), neu (new)

voll (full) - leer (empty)

klein (small) - groß (large)

reich (rich) - arm (poor)

leicht (light) - schwer (heavy)

fett (fat) - mager (lean)

hart (hard) - weich (soft)

lang (long) - kurz (short)

eng (narrow) - breit (wide)

stark (strong) - schwach (weak)

hell (bright) - dunkel (dark)

trocken (dry) - nass (wet)

tief (deep) - flach (shallow)

gerade (straight) - krumm (crooked)

To better remember these words, create a phrase or sentence with each of them! Good luck!