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Useful phrases for everyday communication! Let's see some | Learn German with Leo🦁

Useful phrases for everyday communication!

Let's see some useful phrases in today's post!

Ich habe kein(en) Bock darauf! = I don't want that! / No mood for this!

Das ist echt Spitze! = This is super!

Gott sei Dank! = Thank God!

Es ist mir Wurst / egal. = I don't care.

Wann treffen wir uns? = When will we meet?

Was sagen Sie dazu? = What do you say to that?

Das macht aber nichts! = But it's okay!

Es tut mir Leid. = I'm sorry.

Wie schade! = What a pity!

Leider nicht. = Sorry, no.

Alles Gute! = Good luck!

Schämen Sie sich! = Be ashamed!

Was ist los? = What happened?

Lassen Sie mich in Ruhe. = Leave me alone.

Kennen wir uns nicht? = Looks like we know each other?

Einen Augenblick bitte. = Wait a second, please.

Meine besten Glückwünsche. = Please accept my best wishes.

Fahren Sie so schnell Sie können. = Come as soon as possible.

Kein Problem. = No problem.

Was du nicht sagst! = What are you!

Das ist ja eine Überraschung! = What a surprise!

Kommt nicht in Frage! = This is out of the question!

Hast du etwas dagegen? = Do you have anything against?

Ich habe nichts dagegen. = I have nothing against it.

Ich drück dir die Daumen! = I hold my fists for you!

Viel Spaß! = Have a good time! / Good luck!

Gute Reise! = Bon voyage!

Gute Besserung! = Get well soon!

Lass dir schmecken! = Help yourself!

Gut geschlafen? = How did you sleep?

Mach's gut! = Good luck!

Alles Gute! = Good luck!

Gleichfalls! = Mutually! / And to you (to you) the same!

All these phrases are simple and easy to remember, try to use some of them more often in your speech, and you will quickly reach the level of confident spoken German