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Struggle for Land and Life: For establishing anticolonial poli | Climate Justice Berlin

Struggle for Land and Life:
For establishing anticolonial politics within climate justice movements and dimantling extractivist, imperial and greenwashing logics!
If we struggle against colonialism, we cannot do it without struggling against imperialism and its extractivist logic that has destroyed for 500 centuries the life and land all around the globe.
If we struggle for climate justice, we cannot do it without struggling against colonialism.
Alternative energy, green energy, electric autos, sustainable development, bio consumerism and so on, are only makeup solutions that aim to greenwash a system based on imperialist power.
A climate justice struggle can start only with the acknowledgement that the climate crisis we are facing nowadays is the consequence of extractivist politics which have killed and displaced local communities, destroyed knowledge, civilisations and progress, transformed peoples in working force and exploited them, plundered natural resources, triggered social divisions, state repression and wars, polluted land, air and water, and all for one main reason, wealth accumulation in the "European-centric world".
Without addressing the real political fundaments behind climate change, there would be no climate justice.
There is no climate justice without social justice and social justice can come only with the end of colonialism and imperialism.
In this axis, we will focus on:
What is the connection between extractivist politics/imperialism/colonialism and climate change? Who profit? From where? And how?
How to integrate the anti-extractivist prospective inside the climate justice movements?
How to territorialize the struggle of peoples from the so-called "global south" to the "centre of the colonial power"?
Many grassroots movements and collectives, such as Afrique-Europe-Interact, Voces de Guatemala, Chico Mendes, will be present to give an input on their work and organizing and to have an exchange on singular and common experiences and future strategies.

5.11 / 18:00hs / Am Flutgraben 2, 12435 Berlin
art: @trippiesteff [ig]