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‌Fearless Nation - The NEPHILIM (Demons) Looked Like CLOWNS/JE | Mit Bestechungen, Skandalen, Korruption zur NWO: Es kann nicht sein, was nicht sein darf! - Aufdecker, Enthüller, Whistleblower

Fearless Nation - The NEPHILIM (Demons) Looked Like CLOWNS/JESTERS - Part 3 (DMT Experiences)

In part 3 of the series, we read through some experiences of those in the psychedelic culture. It is an extremely common theme with all DMT trippers that Jesters would appear and "Mess" with the person taking the neuron transmitter. Most who are ignorant of biblical understandings of the Nephilim giants are naively assuming these Jester entities are good, and there to help enlighten the tripper. However, their experiences seem to suggest otherwise.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/qLW0rCYCjADe/ 29:24

Immer Neues @Aufdecker
@SchlussJetzt für Checker